
Don't like the price?

I truly wonder if things like Kickstarter aren't there to END actual direct market democracy, and along the way give a handful of Bohemian grove attending Globalist Bankers what's "Hip"...?

Gah...weaklings... "Hallp us! Hallp us!"

IMO the tv and music and publishing producers are terrified by the internet.

I'm against this crack down on "Bloodsports". It's part of a modern crackdown on anything, anywhere free or not corporate regulated and packaged. The suffering of a few animals in these grisly spectacles is nothing compared to many many more animals on factory farms, yet much is done to ensure this is not stopped.

So men were vile sexist pigs because they only cared about pretty, young women...

That's one thing about it, in between the "Vaccines Save Lives" vs the "Vaccines are population control of the New World Order!" mish mash the argument of "The Corporation" is totally ignored.

The good book doth say -

I bet it'd be the same for "Tons of Football", "Tons of Soap Operas" etc. If you don't use your smarts, it shrinks. Also it grows when you do use it again, though best not to stop

Just watched it and I see the Sark skreeches again.

Gals forever!!!

Here's da solution...

I'm developing a strong knee-jerk to when they dig up a good, formerly great property, pretty it up then EXCRETE it on the public... Most of the time all that it is is surface, but everything that made the former great scrubbed out with bleach and wire brushes and nothing new added to it.

Slenderman ain't real

They'll also arrest and jail you if you have sex with someone you aren't married to. And I mean a man and a woman. For homos the police arresting is usually to avoid public lynching.

On top of it, the NSA will be able to look up and mock your fails if they want to.

As if, cue that soccer/cricket obscenity a professional game studio can't excrete and fling substandard material either...

To everyone else there's Emulators and your last computer that's probably 10x more powerful than this pretty toy.

I love my PS3 which I bought August last year. The games on my new, also bought well after market saturation, HDTVs are incredible. Dragon's Crown, El Shaddai, LuftRausers, classic 8 bit ports, recently Child of Light. Gonna get the eye toy for Child of Eden too;-)

5 year rule.