
So let’s have the little oriental girl read a dense, headache inducing story that also starts with hardcore graphic lesbianism as a side? Don’t get me wrong, I realize GITS cyberpunk brilliance, as an adult, but it’s not material for a kid.

Cut the needless Neologism -

From the Muppets -

Not going to watch it.

Here’s a wired article on it from back when it was relatively new news...



The cause of this is our current fake morality - not just the “Christian” where guys like Ted Fa - er - Haggard sell a product to the vulnerable then in private... But the anti-male laws meant by the globalist bankers who own the media to destroy the family.

wow! They synchronized with each other. Didn’t expect that.

Man - that is almost the “Molten Salt” level explosion...


Well, it’s been long established that people working independantly are capable of coming up with the same “Original” idea - the more narrower field the more likely. How many “Post apocalyptic” adventure stories would resemble Mad Max - even if the author never saw Mel’s movie for example.

Sick of ‘Rare Earth” propaganda lies here.

Looks good! I definitely want to see this film!

Nucler propelled space probe. Could reach there very quickly and send back images. No need for that treaty, no cold war but we could use China for fear mongering for space research funding.

Let me add the people who fashionably bash Asimov yet perhaps claim to be Scifi/Fantasy fans would throw acid in each other’s faces to win a “William S. Burroughs” named award. Hint - boys - Tangiers... Wife - gun - Alcohol - William Tell.


What. Da Vuck...?

OK, so they made her - in recent years - a ditzy sl-t... Then went “good girl” but for all the femi-not whine, they don’t buy comics so no sales.

Ain’t my thing, but last I checked HBO guys weren’t holding a gun to your head to watch it either.