A few years back, about 3 there was a China Chick who got "Progressively coerced" into making "Crush" videos - led to a "Human Flesh Hunt" where in her culture they named her and shamed her. They also did it for a public official who kicked a puppy and for some punk kid who painted graffiti on the Great Pyramid...
Well I thought it was on record they did it and all of that...
It's a good message actually, for they want to hurt people's self esteem to prevent them from doing just that. "Look at that smart kid. He'll be our boss someday when our dreams of becoming movie stars and football stars fail he'll be telling us not to waste time talking at the factory and write us up..."
I am impressed, sir!
Clearly 16 bit. Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Lunar, Secret of Mana, Zelda A Link to the Past. Now the 32 bit era could have been better but "Cyberspace, Virtual Reality, Dooood..." they were dragging the games kicking and screaming into the "3D" world.
Let's see... A cell phone with a video game system and lots of other time waster utilities.
The uniform design is impressive, but I'm all for "Cartridge art"
Heh, I used to FIX these in college.
And in America, such pathetic attempt would have been laughed off... And then, mmmabye, we'd hear of the teller getting fired for it, she/especially he should have handed him the money, leave it to the cameras/police... Besides, police busy chasing guys like this, they don't notice 9/10 of the theft is on the TOP…
Wonder if they'll end up in some small Zoo unable to house a Panda... Or be sent to a USA zoo as a Panda...
Don't see what's fashionable about hating Skyrim. I LOVE it, even without the mods.