
I loathe Kickstarter since -

There are 9 games for the PS4???

Cut, nothing, all the money would have been locked up pending a ruinous lawsuit it'd cost millions to defend even if he had a legal leg to stand on... (and I'd say plagiarism as a Juror...)


Don't like it?


One man's opinion, rather than butchering it that's why they bought up Lucas arts, just to have less competition...

He should work in anti-NSA software so the "Demon NSA can't find out your Super Mario score or find out when/where you are playing it unlike that ...bird thing..." Be a real hot seller then!

I like that idea.

Well I'm pushing for a backlash against the women, but more Anita Sarkeesian and such.

Haven't really followed EVE but I remember also hearing about a "Griefer" attack of people using bots and basic 'make a sacrifical fighter instead of mouse size miner' attacks "We shall jam their gunports with the twisted wreckage of our bodies!" and they brought down one of these huge ships. No real personal


Data caps and/or price gouging/competition blocking is short term.

I was more referring to the artist. Encyclopedia Dramatica has an entry on him full of it and worse.

Even that ain't the worst...

NintenDONT should start selling it, to help boost their sales.

And no matter what they do or cut, the SARK will still screech and moan.

That is a point though, no real way to do "Realism". If it was "Realistic" it'd become boring, but not until sparking outrage from about every level. Gangs that'd want revenge for some slight, even if depicted just as brutally as the rest, Cops angry at how their increasingly Rent-A Jail turnkeys behave, Politicians

How about crowdfunding an ISP network that is: