The best sales tax would be this; stocks—-
The best sales tax would be this; stocks—-
Meh, thought it was that "Minecraft" world passed around on a thumb drive, the 'ethos' of it is once you die, you pass it on, so its an ongoing art project, seeing all the half-finished castles and statues before a Creeper went sssssssss.....
How about a backlash against Anita Sarkeesian where a ton of letters and fan made Indie games make the stuff she whined about seem like nothing and games become far MORE extreme for the specific purpose of backlashing against Her/Feminism and to a lesser extent ethnic and other issues?
Well, there's worse "my eyes, they BLEEEEEED!!!" debasement. Beware a Rusky's 'adult' fan art of Scooby Doo characters, yes ALL of them...
Total Kudos!!!
The hair I can understand.
Well you'd go nuts too if you had to help forever but couldn't interfere.
This is one thing that would have been if not for unfair social pressures. The arcades I knew to fail did so because they got forced out of mall districts. On the surface there were claims of gangs/drugs, but in reality the owners just upped the rent for them directly to what they couldn't afford. There were also…
Well, I buy gaming systems late so I get them cheaper and hold onto the games.
IMO they should swoop this up and take it up as a "Download Content", Do Oblivion and maybe some of the earlier Elder scrolls also, just for fun. Heh, like "Arena"? I mean fans out there to do most of the work for free, and give them credit, why not?
Hey, they got fake games to put in 'em...
I'll watch the vid later,
Y'Know, Wonder Woman started out as a male bondage/domination fantasy.
I like what Dark Horse did with Conan. They used the theme of the company to break from the comics code and the focus on story not just art, returning strongly to REH's vision and using the better printing and computer artwork for the max result.
Actually typeface can't be copyrighted.
If Disney, king of the CopyWRONG laws hadn't made its foundational fortune off a previously generous "Public Domain" I might actually agree. But, the reason they couldn't touch legally most of their works is again that the works originally were and now clearly are "Public Domain" so if they make a movie based on some…