
The flaw in that system is that the fox watches the henhouse already.

What!? No Osidarta or Silver Claw from Druillet's "Lone Sloane" series!?!?

I'm not just ranting. Here's a solution.

Free speech isn't convienent speech, which itself never need be defended.

BTW- you should have included some images from "Shocking Asia", those are some good Shockumentaries that showed it when it was active. Even the Movie "Bloodsport" did that better. No offense, I love that book too, but it's when they were emptying it.

I'd first seen of it as a kid, unable to rent 'adult' stuff proper, probing the 'grindhouse' dumped to VHS for some 'oomph' scenes. It a Brit Shockumentary, I saw glimpses of this walled city. I wanted desperately to travel there. But by the time I'd grown up and was able to travel it had been torn down.


I'm just going to stand by my position that anything in the early solar system is made of essentially the same material, it coming from the same nebular mass. And that this is just a "Rare Earth" stealth argument for the next 'global warming' paid shill crowd. They want to wreck the earth to get profits next

The moon would have the same composition of particles if it formed along side the earth also. And frankly, unless it was extrasolar, an impact also would have more or less the same components, formed out of the same nebular mass the sun formed from. Most of the Hydrogen in the sun, denser metals near it, gases and

Sales tax.

Y'know, thanks to their abuse of our CopyWRONG laws, I now know their name.

Uh, mice WORK, guy. Is this more Windows 8/exterminate the PC propaganda?

Frankly, there is a perception that the "Other races" are ganging up on white people for revenge, and that the PC non-racist white people are just "The first victims".

Frankly this should be a Jezebel rant. Miss Anthrope the writer?

I bought my Dreamcast used, after the PS2 was well underway and it was a dead console. The reason was thatI was working a sh-t job and tons of overtime. It would have sat gathering dust for years if I'd done so.

I say we should fight back on this.

We've got to stop these scientists. They are trying to destroy the universe with a "Big Rip" even...

Also WW1 was advertisement on how war is evil, pointless and only profits people who make weapons and lets nation/corporate states laugh at the fools dying for their amusement.

I like Chinamen and Chinawomen...

Something to face is that the "Liberation" of women effectively doubled the workforce. There are other factors since the 70s, such as many jobs being sent overseas not only not facing tariff on products on return but even tax breaks and subsidies. And illegal aliens going from a barely tolerated farming niche to