
Have a cat that used to be able to run around the back yard freely. Problem was she went missing for a while and there was a Satanic sacrifice, luckily it wasn't her some kid had wanted a pet and released her when we were looking around. She was shaken up for a day, then going nuts to get out, but we re-enforced the

IMO it's a by-product of the "Robin" thing. The Moneymen owning DC kept forcing "Robin" on the Batmen despite the fact that most hard-core, long-term fans despised them. The Batman TAS (The Animated Series) is most noted of this. The reason was that Batman during the long night of the Comics Code era was aimed at

Wumpus and Zork...

No one's going to cry for this guy, but historically suicides in prison usually aren't.

Thanks for clarifying, again never read the books/watched the show.

Uh, I'm "Liberal" in that I am for tolerating what do you call it "Alternative" lifestyles, whatever....

Actually aren't they all ringed by "Impassible mountains" laid there by the 8bit Gawdz to prevent people from delving into the forbiddin "DivZero!!!!" error...?

More proof of why zoning laws are pointless evil.

Never followed GOT. Cool pics.

Remember Marx say "FLom Each akkolding tu he abirity, Tu each akkolding tu he need!"

There's in the west a famous study linking skirt/dress length to the economy. Goes up, so does the dress! IMO that's the best reason to do the "Rising Boat" argument, who cares if some Rich elite only has 30 mansions and yachts instead of 31;-)

The real crook I'd think would rob it is the policeman.

Personally I'm making a magazine. Won't describe or promote it here.


I say this console should be boycotted.

Man needs dreams like this.

I'm sure there were plenty of as reasoned papers on train travel, the national highway system and of course 'over the horizon' boat trips...

I suspect China...

Crowdfund it.

The biggest legit complain of Ouya is that people say "Why spend $ to play flash games I can play for free on my PC?"