Jury nullification...
Jury nullification...
I think that was why Obama was crying.
There should not be religion or rather religion's authority.
Starro Lives!
I doubt this is anywhere near accurate. For instance, was just having a discussion about Nuclear energy, there's at least TEN times at least as much Th (Thorium) as there is Uranium, and Plutonium is an artificial sliver.
I'm amazed by the modern re-make of "my Little Pony" but only the same reason I like Japanese animation. I have NO particular love for Japanese culture, but I like when animation is used.
I say we don't NEED the "Rich Elite" anymore...
It's essentially the PC Racism against the white man.
Second that! I love Jar Jar!
How about HG Wells Things to Come the 1936 version?
I don't like Mormonism and consider it a false faith, but I think I'll be "Mormon's advocate" here...
Really neat adaptation of Journey to the west.
Too chicken to show CHINA invading us?
Sooner or later someone is going to make a DIY probe that'll be launched by 3rd party rocket and reach Mars. If it finds what have to be tons of fossils in the old lake beds and canals, well even if they were just "Following orders" NASA will get 100% Gutted next Republican Admin for more money to be given to the…
Second that!
Enough of the PC LIE Machine!
Utter WOW!
IMO it's pretty damaging that kid's movies are these days some-how meant to be bright sunshiny nonsense, debasing both the term "Fantasy" and the definition of "Children's Literature". And Disney's mostly to blame, trying to make overall much good nicer happily ever after stuff so they can sell more toys and have the…