
I say boycott this year Black Friday...

Steppenwolf planet.

I had to shut of the part of my brain that knows anything to enjoy the movie. Of course I did because it was about James Bond and a good movie worthy of a Sean Connery one. That's all we needed.

Monopoly laws.

You like how the right raves "Godwin's Law" then immediately uses Goebble's statement that if you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth...?

IMO someone should make a time machine and put Romney, Ryan, Akin and Morlock excuse me Mourdock back with Tiberius and the soon to be Emperor Caligula...

The good book itself doth say; "By their Fruit ye shall know them."

Add also that even guys who distance themselves from the dating market have it bad under him.

Well, there was this comic by "Gorilla" then "DC" called "Empire" that explored if a super-villain managed to "Rule the World" and except for theoretical super powers it was amazingly realistic and I'd not want to live in that world at any level from the bottom to the top...

This might make you ladies mad, but there's more to "Binders full of women" than mentioned in this article...

Oh, I think it's not...

Hard science fiction; Tomorrow's SteamPunk!

IMO, sorry, this is -

IMO the only working example of Ayn Rand's philosophy is the "Sawney Beane Clan" - look it up...

I'd go; "not worthy... Not Worthy!!!"

David Icke isn't anti-semetic, he's just "Anti-Reptile" and the Reptiles enslave ALL of us...

Ok, but put on a "Fu Manchu" costume, have a lady wear a "Geisha/China girl" costume or get out the blackface, fake sharp teeth and caveman outfit to be a "Cannibal of the Jungle" they freak out here...

There are a handful of "immortals" that live hiding in plain sight among us. From ones like Saint Germaine to exotic Chinese immortals. Some have lived thousands of years, from at least Antediluvian times. (before 10,500 BC)

Have to check out Amythest again...

Good article. I like Dredd a lot.