
Like Gold, the tragic thing is that for all the human suffering caused over it, any real, practical use Diamonds had was not discovered until this recent century or so. And the price of the commodity hamstrings real, practical use for humanity and society. For instance, WIRED magazine ran an issue years back

Cool! Think I actually had one...

I argue articles like this should be criminal.

I think that "The Industry" is a big part of the problem...

I'm a firm supporter of "Men's rights"...

The Finn character is awesome!

I'm quite angry at how Biosphere 2 ' s "Failure" is used as some kind of right wing word bite club...

I think it should still be an adult choice, save the very rare cases when there's actual immediate need for it.

At first I was just going into a rant about "Dark Knight returns ONLY..."

No need for all caps.

I doubt Jack Chick intended it that way...


A while ago there was this "internet hunting project" that let people pay to log into a remote controlled robot with a rifle and shoot at deer in a fenced off area. And you could pay additional to have the deer stuffed and mounted, the meat prepared and shipped to you. Like a Cabelas game but more expensive but

I think Chick's "The Crusaders" were really cool! Shag-a-Delic 70s and Jesus is just alright...

I'm mostly pegged as "Left".

It's done untold damage to society all this "Realism" as part of the PC push against Gernsback and later era Science Fiction...

Personally I want to support the "Death to PC" stuff...

I'm wild for league...

I like the sulfur sprayer approach myself...

Since when does magic have to work logically?