
Except 4 doesn’t have a good “Independent” option. And the Minutemen are largely overlooked.

They also hit many of the same beats. “The Lost Patrol” is essentially a carbon copy of a similar New Vegas mission.

I tend to get this feeling as well. It would be one thing if the improvements made in FNV were technologically challenging to incorporate into the new game, but I can’t think of anywhere that was really the case. How many extra dev and test hours would it have taken to build in dialogue options (with the

I agree with you here in most respects, but I’d like to note that Bethesda pretty much stole the faction-based endgame of Fallout: New Vegas for their Fallout 4. Just as the Courier has to choose between the Legion, the Republic, independent New Vegas, and House to resolve the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Sole

A slave who smiles at his child or looks happily at a blue sky is a different thing from “the only thing that put a smile on Hercules’ face was when Lady Washington walked into the kitchen” (approximate quote). The book shows slaves taking pleasure in their masters’ happiness as if that was their purpose in life. It’s

Comments like these blithely assume that all people consider slavery inuversally terrible, and a deeply shameful part of American history, but this isn’t the reality at all. There are politicians who talk about the good that slavery did for black people and black families (!!!), and George Washington in particular is

Seriously. It’s like making a children’s book about any of the times there was a ceasefire in a war because it was Christmas or whatever. Yes. It’s weird to think both sides just put down their weapons and chilled together, then started slaughtering each other again the next day. But they were just people, many of

Can’t wait for Ganeshram’s next story about those great blankets the white man gave the Native Americans.

My cat needs me right now. I have more important things to think about.

To me that was one of the sort of “eureka” moments i had when playing FO4 that made me further understand why i just wasn’t having near as much fun as i thought i would. That moment could have been something really cool or hilarious, but the minute you get spotted it all ends in bloodshed. That is definitely one of

to be honest, based on the way the yellow looks, it almost looks more photoshopped than anything else.

Those aren’t scleral lenses. I wear them often and they don’t cover your eye completely from profile view. You can see the outline of the contact lens. This photo is very shopped from several parts. Here you can see what it looks like without photoshop.

Look at how blurry the waterline is. Seems to me that these are regular coloured contacts with whites Photoshopped dark. I don’t have a problem with that, by the way, just pointing it out.

Yeah, fuck it. Why not??

I mean, in the first XIII, Lightning was ok. Kinda this female Cloud with all her emotions kept inside, except rather than being insane like Cloud she did it to protect herself and her sister Serah. You didn’t connect with her, but you weren’t really supposed to — understanding her was really the best you’d get.

I disliked X-2 for pretty much that same reason when I first played it years ago — you have this solemn, subdued world of Spira and even moreso in the character of Yuna shown in X. I really liked it and X-2 just kinda threw it away. When I attempted to replay X-2 recently, though, I got that it makes sense (when

Cloud could totally pull this off. :<

This. Most of those desings are so different from the original, I would have never guessed those were supposed to be Fire Emblem chars.

There’s always one person who has to play serious when dealing in purely hypothetical questions.

We all know what REALLY happened tho.