
I’ve only read the synopsis from the article here, but nothing they’ve done seems cartoonishly evil at all.

Cartoonishly evil denotes malice, cruelty and violence for its own sake. Propaganda, conscription, and prioritizing the practical over suicidal nobility are all realistic actions revolutionary groups across

Yeah, you can tell just by reading these panels: more people would die if they tried to save the civilians, but people WON’T die if they humiliate a high ranking member of the upper class by stealing a warship? They should have just told the truth: their trying to save the populace, not individual people, even

I’m literally more dumb having read your comment so thanks

About the only games you mentioned worth purchasing are Mystical Ninja, Gauntlet Legends, Turok (which would probably look horrible) and Pokemon Stadium. And Shadows of the Empire was pretty cool. That’s 5 games. The other good ones are already on the VC.

Some games are forgettable, yes, but there are tons on the 64 that are great games that would be awesome to be more readily available. Bomberman 64, Mystical Ninja Starring Goeman (!!!), Mario Kart 64 (it is on the Wii VC tho), Harvest Moon 64, some of the wrastlin’ games, Star Wars games (Podracing, Shadows of the

Maybe he just got tired of acting like a complete jackass just to make some 9-year olds laugh.

From a business perspective I can’t really blame them, as the purpose of a business is to make profit, and lots of it. It still sucks for the rest of us though. I wish they’d just sell the IP to someone who will give a damn or two about the property.

“People, we’ve invested way too much money over the past few years on Metal Gear and other AAA games. Let’s fire Kojima, and divert all our funds into our Pachinko machines. No, no, nothing like that. Erotic ones.”

Sweet! This is EXACTLY the direction I wanted Castlevania to go. More gambling and less vampires. Games these days don’t have enough “erotic violence”. All my expectations have been met. No complaints here.

Roll your eyes all you want, but this one machine will probably make more money than Phantom Pain’s entire lifetime sales.

I’d say that bad practical effects are waaaaay better than bad CG.

I would play the shit out of PQ1 AT overlay. just hands down. 100%
just add some story points again and I am back in..

So I can, and let me repeat that, so I can keep track of the visions in my dreams.

Always wear sunglasses at night.

It’s easily the best, and might be the only, geek-culture joke in the movie.

It’s a beta, people. Not a demo. Christ.

I was looking forward to playing the game... but, oh well, I guess that’s what Betas are for! :)

They should at least have an option to toggle a “classic skin” so you can play with the original look.

and yet those people make more in a couple of years than I’ll probably ever make in my lifetime. ugh.

Put it this way. Good cops, consciously nor not, try to be Superman. Bad cops think they’re Batman. “I wear this uniform so that people will be afraid of me.”