Thats true, but that can be said about any system/conference.
Thats true, but that can be said about any system/conference.
I think people are forgetting that Nintendo preceded their showing by stating no NX or mobile initiative stuff, and their focus was on the immediate future. With that in mind, their showing wasn’t terrible, it just didn’t get folks excited beyond Q1 2016. All I know is, Super Mario Maker might be my game of show.
If you like timed exclusives on third party games and waiting for years for our flagship games to finally arrive, PS4 is for you!
I try to rate E3s in the 12 month period between E3s. In that regard, Sony literally has nothing coming out in that time period that excites me, so they cannot ‘win’ in my eyes. FF7 and Shenmue 3 are both years away (aside from being two of the most overrated games/franchises ever, but that’s another story), Uncharted…
I think no one would have a problem with the title if it was a spinoff AND we were getting a new game. But since it’s the first game since Other M which was abysmal (enjoyable but didn’t do much for Samus, story sucked, liked the gameplay(Just to clarify)) people aren’t happy.
Wow. theres a difference between being very disappointed in the Metroid announcement and being an entitled dick who tries to get a game cancelled just because they don’t like that it carries the name of their beloved franchise.
A very ‘Nintendo decision’ is certainly an apt way of putting it! It’ll almost certainly still be a lot of fun, just baffling from an outside perspective. Very Nintendo indeed.
Well damn. There goes the game my fiance and I, both huge Zelda fans and co-op fans, were looking forward to the most.
I feel like this post could tell the entire story behind Metroid Prime: Federation Force, sadly enough. Nintendo sees that fans want another Metroid game, but as long as Sakamoto is in charge this is what we are left with. Tanabe even kind of hints at it during the interview...
Metroid: ODST.
Nintendo doesn’t require that, just look at alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the Mario Spin-Off games. In fact im quite the opposite of worried, im hopeful. The fact that they would make this and jam Prime into the title and not just plain Metroid shows to me that they wish not only to expand…
You know he has to hate how highly people regard some American studio’s take on Metroid while all his directorial decisions for Other M were reviled by fans
I was talking about this with a friend and he said basically that: he recalls reading somewhere that Sakamoto feels ownership over Samus and thinks the strong, able Samus fans want is not the Samus he thinks of - the Other M Samus, who won’t do anything unless a man tells her to do it is the “real” Samus in his mind.…
And after that I want him as far away from the character as possible. Like with Frank Miller when he wanted to do Captain America.
I honestly liked having the CHOICE to not use them. the feeling of picking one up and then tossing it aside was magnificent. now it’s by design and the choice has been taken out of it. while I agree the gunless experience was incredible, it was enhanced because I COULD have used guns but chose not to..
You make a very compelling argument. Japan has a long tradition of respecting a creator’s vision and giving them the final say on adaptations. Tanabe doesn’t want to offend Sakamoto because that would be a huge social blunder in Japanese culture.
That’s so scary it’s probably right.
I don’t hate the idea of having a game in the Metroid universe without Samus. What I just don’t get is the art style. The chibi proportions of the soldiers just don’t seem to fit with any visual style previously seen in the IP.
Even if we take into consideration the idea of “it feels the same,” who the shit cares about some random Federation soldier or whatever? We know Samus and love Samus. The Federation is just there as fluff, when you get right down to it. I don’t give a damn about fluff in the fluff.
Metroid game in pretty much name only, eurgh. Biggest disappointment of E3 for me.