
The cheap college student gets an old phone charger and hacks that.

There are wired vibrators and there are battery operated vibrators. There are no vibrators that simply have exposed random wires that are then affixed to various power sources like speaker wire...

I’m with you, complete bullshit

That’s understandable. I will judge that when I get my hands on it. But the online problems sound very annoying. It is just a testament to how great they make gameplay that they still exist in this gaming environment now. If Bungie or the CoD makers of the day were to make online functionality so anti-intuitive they


I was going to make a joke here , maybe about how this sack of shit looks like one of the War Boys from the new Mad Max movie. Well i just can’t. This whole story just gets worse and more digusting with every new development. Over on Gawker i’m already seeing Duggar backlash. Why are you still coveirng this? Move on

$1,500 x 2 a month = $3K. $3K x 6 months a year playing = $18K.

I knew the gal he swatted in Tucson...

Scared the shit out of us.

I’m glad he get caught.

One of the things I value so much, reading this story, is how clearly it shows the way that reporting someone isn’t always and shouldn’t be assumed to be a horrible excision of deep personal trauma—that the author reported him with the primary goal of keeping other women safe.

At this point, I should be used to seeing backlash against Emma Sulkowicz, but I still wasn’t fully prepared for

I couldn’t stand the controls on Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks, had Hourglass for about week and got rid of it, you’re a stronger person for even getting to the last boss haha

This is one of those few times where the glitch should stay because it is hilarious.

Every time I think of a product being made completely based off of customer input, I think of this Simpsons episode.

Doom is just the best Dungeon Master ever!

It’s kind of amazing how completely awful that series has been after the first game.

How embarrassing for the industry. This has to leave a terrible taste in his mouth.

That's not the only "hurdle" he's talking about. There are financial and tax issues as well. I wish people aren't so ignorant of region-locking. Sure it's backward and a company as big as Nintendo should be able to handle a region-free console, but you people are so ignorant of it you don't even know why it's

Damnit Kotaku, Fred Savage wasn’t the Wizard!

Poor Gunpei.. The end of his career life was really depressing to read about and just seemed unfair. Especially with him being Miyamoto’s Mentor pretty much. Look up the story of Yokoi and the Wonderswan it’s good read. R.I.P