Michael W. Perry

Quite a brilliant idea.... almost as good as what Apple does when it glues its devices together, making them almost impossible to fix. But does Apple really think its customers are Nazis? I hope not.

Jay Conner: Impatiently waiting for ya’ll to stop putting sugar in grits.

I’d suggest another item to be added to that list of safety techniques. Give kids professional training on how play on a trampoline—what to do and what not to do. Don’t let them play unsupervised until they master those techniques.

Quote: Anyone laboring under the delusion that New York City is a progressive bastion need look no further than the city’s school system, which remains among the most segregated in the country.

Thanks for your skepticism. I watched the video and I agree. If I’d been a driver in an ordinary car, I’d have blamed myself for this accident. I can see no reason why this computer should get off.

Youth hostels are another good option. When I rambled Europe, I’d often take and overnight train to a new city. As soon as I arrived, I’d head for the youth hostel, check in, and leave my traveling pack there. That also took care of my housing for the night.

I fixed my Touch Bar issues by adding it to my long and growing list of reasons I don’t need to replace my aging MacBook.

Amazing. Even with those large, reflective goggles on her shock and unbelief is obvious. My congratulations to her!

You can save even more buying an art & craft desk at a thrift store for under $20. Just make sure it will elevate enough to use standing.

You can save even more buying an art & craft desk at a thrift store for under $20. Just make sure it will elevate

Yet another illustration that in cases such at these there should be a ban on settlements that include confidentially agreements.

Quote: There’s an easy way to ensure that this charade doesn’t happen: a federal law banning these kinds of state and local subsidies to private businesses.

Jeff Bezos’s behavior is hardly surprising. When I lived in North Seattle, I met someone in my neighborhood who was holding a moving sale. She told me she was moving to California and explained why.

Why spend $20 and up for a fire extinguisher when a handful of baking soda costing almost nothing will serve as well. It’s even recommended for small electrical fires.

You’re right, fellow customers (and the staff) can be helpful. You can also use your smartphone to check reviews and prices to see if that bargain really is a bargain.

Not the first week—the first few weeks. The purging and thrift store stocking takes time.

Not so. It’d be more correct to say “Use Amazon Prime Now to Create People in Need.” Amazon destroys local retail jobs. If Jeff Bezos gets his way, those good-paying UPS and FedEx jobs will disappear too.

Pre-order an app? Why would I want to do that? I’ll wait until it comes out and look at the reviews. I don’t have an attention deficit disorder. I can survive a delay of a few hours.

Pre-order an app? Why would I want to do that? I’ll wait until it comes out and look at the reviews. I don’t have an attention deficit disorder. I can survive a delay of a few hours.

So loving parents teaching reading will make kids hate reading but a teacher in a large classroom following the latest teaching fad won’t? That makes no sense.

Quote: “They’re not the impenetrable shield you think they are.”