Michael W. Perry

Hopefully, you’ll never be sued, but some business arrangements will protect your personal property, such as you home, from a legal settlement. They can only get your business assets.

Actually these tax changes screw the rich really badly. No more tax-breaks for those buying expensive homes. No more deductions for state and local taxes, a provision that almost exclusively benefits rich people in rich communities. And the business benefits go mostly to smaller or medium-sized ones that create jobs

I’d recommend not just saying you have something fragile—actually do. Find something light but easily broken around your house and pack it. You might even use that to indicate whether you suitcase was roughly handled when your laptop acts oddly after the fight. .

I fail to see why this needed science to establish. Rolling off the top is simply easier.

Quote: Apparently, when Apple realized that its chief of diversity didn’t actually know what the hell the word “diversity” meant...

Hitting me hard? I voted for neither, but was happy to see Trump carry my state. I’ve also found the neuroticism of Hillary’s supporters most amusing. Why?

In Shakespeare’s hometown, Stratford on Avon, I simply walked out of town and found a field with a ditch between it and the road deep enough to stop a car. I toss down my sleeping bag in the thick grass and went to sleep. Ditto in Victoria, B.C. except that I found a haystack. 

Scrivner’s 30-days are 30 days of use. Skip a day or two of writing and it doesn’t count.

For me the key to remembering is taking it down. I use an app called MeMail to send myself a descriptive email, but recording that dream while it’s fresh might work better.

If you just want to learn to drive a stick, don’t buy one. Borrow one from a friend. A single weekend should be enough to learn.

Quote: The company says there’s a one in one million chance a random person could pick up your iPhone X and unlock it with their face, compared to a 1 in 50,000 chance on Touch ID devices.”

Now playing

As the article notes, keys are useless. They may tempt you to move in close, but having done so, they won’t help. A little pain won’t deter a serious attacker. If that attacker is substantially stronger and can get in close, no weapon short of a gun (or serious martial arts training) will give you a decent chance.

Make what you can’t replace your first priority. You can get a new passport and driver’s license. You can’t replace those family pictures.

Obviously neither. To paraphrase Groucho Marx, I won’t have anything to do with any club that can’t understand its own name.

Commercial TV is in a death spiral. Fewer viewers means declining ad interview. Declining ad review means more ads. More ads means fewer viewers.

If you’d rather lie down, try setting a timer on your smartphone for 15 minutes, that’s about the best time for a power nap. You may be able to push that to 30 minutes but no further. Longer than that, you drop into deep sleep and waking up from it is likely to make you miserable. The key to a power nap is keeping it

How much the author gets depends on how the book is printed. Mine are released POD (print-on-demand) through Ingram or Amazon. There’s a slight difference in what each pays, but I always get paid for the first sale and there are no remainders cluttering the market.

As always, the smart move is to track which store is the cheapest for each item and shop there.

I’m not sure its still possible, but once upon a time an autoworker buying a car from his company could not only order it from the factory, but follow it through the line not only ensuring it was done right, but getting an extra dip of undercoating.

Quote: “If the battery does somehow die on you, just plug in the included 3.5mm cable, and use them like regular headphones.”

Quote: “If the battery does somehow die on you, just plug in the included 3.5mm cable, and use them like regular