
Ugh. Not that its not a nice dress, but SO been there, done that. The cut of the dress and even her hair is the exact same as when she wore that famous green Versace dress. I don't think I've ever seen someone whose fashion is so lost in 1998.

The point being that you can get acetysalicylic acid from willow bark, and many people still do. Loads of drugs are simply refined and purified herbs. What do you think opiate painkillers are? Essential oils are like a halfway measure between that level of refinement and the natural state of the herb, which is not

Okay, did anyone at Inquisitr or Jezebel read the actual study? Because the authors themselves don't even claim that thyme oil is more effective than ibuprofen. They say that "Reduction of pain severity was not statistically significant between the two medications, however it was significant for each drug compared

Miley's headed down a dangerous drug. You can easily OD from just two marijuanas.

I dropped a storm window on my hand, the glass broke and sliced my right index finger open. I was pissed off because I had plans for the night, and now this. I turned to my friend/would-be drinking buddy (we hadn't started yet) and said "Do you think this needs stitches?" A huge chunk of my finger was hanging by a

"Call your mother..."

Anyone else concerned by the fact that the article referenced as to why GMOs were safe was written by a woman who herself genetically modifies rice and was written 2 years ago?

Apparently this is underwear you can only wear if you have some sort of miracle waxer, who summons the demon lord Ba'al and places an ancient curse on a vial of wax that can transform any normal vagina into some kind of Rubbermaid container.

I'm able to think critically here. Her involvement in this organization is unclear. Is she a ringleader? I don't know. If she's just a member because she shares opinions with the group, it doesn't make her a terrorist.

I have long thought about becoming a surgeon, developing a totally pointless procedure, and then creating a perceived need for it by making people insecure. Like... "You know the lines in your skin over your knuckles and on your palms? BARF! How can you stand to look at them? You deserve lineless hands—so you can feel

It's totally irrelevant whether fetuses are people or not. No one is legally obligated to use their organs to keep another person alive. I'm not legally required to donate a kidney, even if I were the only match in the world for a person who was guaranteed to die without it. Why should pregnant women be a special