
I think Kelly Clarkson may be the only person that didn’t like that song. That song was my jam when it came out!

And another label under their corporate umbrella. Just give him 20% of the gross receipts from those future sales and get a wall between them. He’ll get paid for doing nothing and all sides can move on.

I agree. I don’t see why Sony won’t find another producer for her.

I wonder if execs at Sony are considering some kind of move to buy her out from Dr. Luke. Her name recognition’s at an all-time high right now, and Sony would be crazy to not at least try to engineer a solution that would get Kesha back in the studio as fast as possible.

Same here. Nothing made me understand how important a woman’s right to choose is until I had a baby myself.

Thank you so much for sharing your story.

I was 13-14 in the mid-70s, and I got a lot of attention from grown men. I was thrilled by it. Boys my age either ignored me, barked at me, or called me names. Adult men talked to me like I was a person, admired me, complemented me. At the time, it was bliss, and I felt it made me special. And thanks mainly to a lack

I appreciate your willingness to write a story that reflects deep ambivalence. I think there isn’t enough of that anymore (everything is always strident and polarized) but you did a great job sitting with the murkiness of what this all means about Bowie’s legacy.

Dammit, I came here hoping for a Mariah Carey-esque tour rider. Bernie doesn’t like busy patterns. He also wants 20 white kittens and 100 white doves to be released when he goes on stage for the debate.

“I sure hope — we’re in Bernie Sanders’ backyard here in New Hampshire — I sure hope he intends to show up in his neighboring state”...“There is nothing worse than a debate about debates.”

Please. Who here hasn’t terrorized someone with a sword while dressed as the Yellow Power Ranger?

Exactly. If he had made a joke about Caitlyn Jenner that poked fun at her as a person instead of her transition,that would’ve been fair game.

He just wasn’t very funny, unfortunately. He’s really lost a lot of appeal in recent years. I don’t think Caitlyn Jenner jokes are off the table at all, though I think it’s in poor taste to start by saying Bruce Jenner. Still, I didn’t find him terribly offensive at any point. Just kind of sad.

“BJS and ANL Certified”

Oh fuck yes, poet, I will.

I am usually somewhat leery of Allred, but I completely agree with her on this. A 25 year old sexually grooming a 14 year old girl is not a “sex scandal”, it’s a potential crime. She’s a potential victim if anything happened, not a mistress in a cheating scandal.

I used to skateboard as a kid, I haven’t skateboarded since 18, so for 20 years now. Does that mean I’m still a skateboarder even if I can’t ride a board without breaking both my ankles?


My wife’s an ER doc, and I feel pretty confident she’d trade for any of these to avoid the numbingly commonplace “VAGINA:

I don’t understand how she doesn’t get that she’s trying to win the battle to lose the war. If she legally obligated this kid to spend Christmas with her, what are the chances he’ll ever spend one with her after he’s 18?