
I know I'm not going to help any, but 凸 is one of the few remaining true pictographs in Japanese, and generally means "convex". However, in this case it was probably picked because it can be pronounced "deko" (kind of like deck). Unfortunately, with this pronunciation it also means "forehead". The jokes just keep

You're right. Putting big engines in small things is always a bad idea...

They, apparently, do.

Gas? Where we're going, we don't need...gas

The safety argument is invalid as long as we allow unsafe pieces of shit to continue to drive on our highways and don't have mandatory, recurrent safety inspectiosn for all vehicles on the road.

More like "Thanks Mercedes Benz".

Settle down,dude,your Chrysler Sebring is safe.

The 25 year import rule is like the Tea Party. Unnecessary, backwards thinking, derived from idiocy, and full of bullshit.

Don't forget the VTEC stickers, even if it doesn't really have VTEC.

it also needs type R stickers for MOAR POWER and some nos yo!

Toronto is basically a clean version of New York with better weather where there are significantly fewer people who want to stab/shoot you. I highly recommend it.

Good news Everyone! There is going to be one less annoying person on planet earth.

The radio buttons will be made from the teeth of political dissidents, and the tears of their families will serve as washer fluid.

What we are seeing here is the cultural devastation effects on China. Brought on by the Maoist communists during the 50s-60s during their "great leap forward" and "cultural revolution". Now China is a country that copies anything and everything foreign, including entire Alpine villages.

1991 baby here. I fit some of the millennial stereotypes, like being glued to my smart phone (Galaxy Note 2 FTW!) and constantly posting on Instagram(Legos, hot wheels, my pets, and real cars mostly) but cars are my main passion and likely always will be. I'm more comfortable behind the wheel of a car than doing

You should also point out that Hong Kong gets localised Chinese language versions of most popular games along with Macau and Taiwan (New Super Mario Brothers, Final Fantasy XIII and Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker have all had big press covered local releases).