
What happened to your 50-60 pages of citations?

Can we please not call them "pro-vaxxers?" We don't call all tenured biologists pro-evolutionists or all board certified physicians pro-AIDS-truthers. There's no such thing as a pro-vaxx person or physician. There are normal, functional, educated people, and there are vaxx-deniers, AIDS-deniers, and evolution deniers.

You had my interest at otter, and my attention at rampage.

Also a possibility. To me it just always tasted like watermelon and disappointment.

If by "mystery flavor" you mean "watermelon again, dammit." I swear, mystery flavor airheads only exist because they realized that no one wants to eat the watermelon ones but needed to use up the flavoring somehow.

For some reason now I really want an Airhead. I ate way too many of those when I was a pre-teen!

GMO foods are going to be the only way we can survive soon. Specifically, we'll need drought resistant crops. GMOs aren't bad, necessarily, though if they're created through artificial means they really need to have stringent testing rules to make sure the changes aren't harmful.

Since the dawn of humanity, mankind has wondered about the most intricate mysteries of the universe. Why are we

No, I'm a scientist and I actually think that the misuse of antibiotics is a huge public health issue, and along with anti-vaccination idiots, the sort of nonsense that's probably going to end our civilization. But trying to teach the American public science is harder than teaching a dog Cantonese, and so faced with

I do not think the hate is just on the internet. THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE!

MORE FOR YOU, that's how it works out!

Just remember the curly fry...

It's okay. I was just trolling for a reason to see Uber with a donut around his dick. :p

I think you and IG should test out some of these tips for science. And take pictures!