Definitely. But it does mean it's less generalizable. 37 self identified subjects doesn't exactly make for flawless research findings. It's a huge start but I'm curious to see how it shakes out going forward.
Definitely. But it does mean it's less generalizable. 37 self identified subjects doesn't exactly make for flawless research findings. It's a huge start but I'm curious to see how it shakes out going forward.
Unless you have the proper credentials to diagnose that or even speculate that, all you're doing is body shaming her. Stop it, and most definitely stop diagnosing psychiatric disorders without the proper license.
the problem with your metric is that you are ignoring the fact that the servers have completed the task required of them, they brought your the food you ordered. After living for a few years in Europe, I am so over this American need to have their arse licked by service people in exchange for a decent wage. You say…
Umm, actually they are Dorenchester Waverly Pigeons. And that's not a cake or a pie, duh. It's a capike, which is a specialty cake/pie hybrid. It'd be really great if someone at this so-called "blog" did some actual research for a change. #corrections.
For a long time, the government has largely stayed out of the fray when dealing with the sociopathically…
I don't want anyone to forget. Arby's is great, Sriracha blows.
But Pinkham, you eat at Arby's.
I'm too busy eating this delicious, moist supper to be pissed off.
Until you get listeria and E coli, that is. What is this weird suicidal streak in some people that makes them want to throw out save, proven methods of preventing horrible deadly diseases in the name of "health?"
And yet, you also lose.
I am, like you, horrified by these results. However, one point on the CIA + HIV bit — not only did the Tuskegee experiments happen, but during the AIDS crisis alllll kinds of crazy bullshit was coming out of high-level officials, and there is a noxious history related to funding getting yanked from AIDS prevention…
After last night's thread that shall remain nameless, I will never see this gif and not think of the usage to which Wombat put it.
Turns out Jon Stewart was right on the money about Chicago-style deep-dish "pizza."
Ever wondered what tipping trends look like across different US states, possibly for the purposes of trash-talking…
So shut the fuck up saying you're Irish. Repeat after me:
When most restaurants get bad Yelp reviews, they just shrug them off and move on. Occasionally they might get into…
I def want to try this with boca crumbles. I'm not a vegetarian, I just love me some muthafuckin boca crumbles. This sounds delicious THOUGH...