
I have a feeling that Tom Cruise mightily enjoyed that paddling.

Your questions are kind of stupid. I'm just stating an opinion. I can't stand Dunham, and I don't think she deserves the acclaim she's getting; HOWEVER, I'm NOT saying that she should be banished from TV or thrown off a cliff. Some people like Honey Boo Boo and Kim Kardashian; I think they're utterly

I don't have a grudge against connections or success. I simply think she is not talented. I watched "Tiny Furniture" and the entire season of "Girls" (which is a drawn-out rehashing of "Tiny Furniture"), and I thought they were both terrible—for many reasons. Someone mentioned Sophia Coppola in the comments—she has

Bravo—my thoughts exactly! If Dunham had talent, I'd be happy for her, but I think she sucks. I don't hate successful women; I just can't stand smug, talentless (and extremely well-connected) ones who make it big. Take Tavi, the young fashion blogger—I think she's utterly amazing, and I wish her all the success in the

I could be mistaken, but I think she was applauding your comment. (Many commenters at Jezebel use a GIF of Orson Welles in Citizen Kane doing a 'slow clap.' I'd post it here myself to show you, but I don't have it handy.) FWIW, Velo_Vixen, I totally applaud your comment and agree 100%. I hate Dunham and her work.

Huston has more than intense beauty; she has a face that never gets boring (which I think is more important than beauty). You kind of never want to take your eyes off her.

I so agree with you... Sigh... Fujita is SUCH a dreamboat. (As is Kluwe.) Where are these kinds of men in real life??

I want Kluwe and Fujita—at the same time. See:

You are extremely wise. Thanks for this wonderful antidote to Crowder.

I would love to hang out at the shelter—so many tenderly cared-for animals! I would just spend all day reveling in their cuteness.


I love your avatar.

And aside from all her RIDICULOUSLY amazing talents, she is also so incredibly beautiful...

Good eye! I had to go back and look for it since I love cats. The presence of one makes this video even better. :)

I guess this makes me a horrible person, but truth be told, I find these people absolutely disgusting and unwatchable. And I feel really sorry for the pig. Sigh.

[Deleted; inadvertent multiple post. Apologies, Jezzies!]

[Deleted; inadvertent multiple post. Apologies, Jezzies!]

I heart everyone in this thread.

To go on about Gabby's hair is beyond petty and ridiculous. Why must every woman in the public eye—from Hilary Clinton to Gabby Douglas—get ripped apart for their appearance? Does the color of Hilary's pantsuit make her more or less of an amazing diplomat? Who the fuck cares about Gabby's hair when her body can fly