Indomitable Jabroni

The photo appears to have been taken using Instagram's Hep C filter.

Best Book to Read at Baseball Game

"The Aaron Hernandez Courage Award"

Russian Driver of the Year

Best sports significant other: Lennay K.

For the lifetime achievement category.

Best Vine - JaVale and Nate Robinson could be on there

These fellas are the all-time leaders for most Deadspys in a career.

And yet no one complains about Brigham Young, a school that's outspokenly for-prophet.

Thanks Mike, although "guy in the blue shirt" and "fat guy" were possibly the worst two quantifiers you could have chosen.

Sounds like the two of you had quite the run-on.

i don't know man, it seems that you claused some problems too.

It's still a better excuse than Grow's actual reason - researching Florida's "handstand your ground" employment law.

ESPN just isn't ready to accept the cold hard facts, brought to you by Coors Light.

Brazilian Referee Calls a Soccer Foul, Loses His Mind

I'm almost 30 and still using the same technique.

Dude, can you text any slower?

Yeah that looks about the skill level for his age group.

Now playing

I am impartial to this one because a six year old speaking Glaswegian brogue is hilarious to me