Yup. If only I had the hindsight to preserve some of the toys I had during the 80's. Some of them would have been worth a pretty penny...
Yup. If only I had the hindsight to preserve some of the toys I had during the 80's. Some of them would have been worth a pretty penny...
I've heard similar things from other people who've tried them. The SPCA where I adopted my cat offers Softpaw application for $25 (plus the cost of the Softpaws) and they use sedation to help keep them still as they apply them. I wonder if this makes a big difference in terms of how well they stay on. I can see how…
I know, it seems crazy, but I swear they did. I (very vaguely) remember a news report about a McDonalds that ran out of Beanie Baby toys for their Happy Meals, which prompted a slew of angry calls from outraged customers who hoped to collect them(?) Something along those lines. But there was definitely a Beanie…
I admit that the points I made brought up extreme incidences, but I did so to make a point - in that one of the major reasons we don't have these sorts of problems here in the first world is because we do have enforced sanitation standards. The whole discussion reminded me, in many ways, of the same discussion I have…
But it's not really hypothetical at all. As I mentioned, there are many developing countries where sanitation is a real problem and as a result, certain diseases are much more prolific. I mentioned Hep A before because it's only one of such diseases and is transmitted via fecal matter ingested orally. Contaminated…
I agree, there are definitely a lot of restaurants that are disgusting. (And a lot of food packing plants, too, but that's a different discussion for another day.)
My cat chewed off her Softpaws. =(
Nope, definitely not alone! But now that I'm rereading my post, I'm worried that it still comes across like omg whatevs cats r better ur so wrong!!1! I should have probably emphasized that that's just how I feel. (And perhaps some cat owners.) I think it really all boils down to each person's personality and how…
Alright, I was just wondering. =) So, you work in psych as a health care worker? Did you get the Hep A vaccine as a healthcare worker? I'm not sure about health care workers, but I believe those of use born before the 1990's weren't vaccinated for Hep A. Do you think people such as, say, food handlers should…
I think that's perfectly fine, because what you prefer personally is exactly that. What you prefer personally. ^_^ For me, I simply don't like dogs. Some dogs are fine, and some are even downright cute, but I wouldn't want to own one. Someone posted an image that insinuates dogs are particularly needy, and I…
I'm just curious, but are you saying that you never wash your hands? Or that you do sometimes, but don't really stress about it?
I think this is true and I agree that, for the most part, we've taken an all-or-nothing approach to avoiding germs and that can have some pretty extreme consequences. But at the same time, completely swinging in the other direction is probably a pretty bad idea, too. Point is, just be sensible. Wash your hands…
I "accidentally" lost a hair iron in her purse one day.
Okay, good, I wasn't the only one a little confused by this.
Yup, exactly the along the same lines as I was thinking. And it seems like such a waste, too, doesn't it? To put so much effort into a spectacle when it could be as easy as just making her laugh. (Okay, I admit, that's just my personal favorite. I'm partial to funny guys.) Anyway, it just seems like they're…
That's some... interesting logic. I've heard something like that before, but what I don't get is if she's a 10, and knows she's a 10, and knows she can date pretty much whomever she wants, why would she waste her time with someone who just insults her? That's no fun, and no one's got time for that. Unless, of…
Precisely! I really don't understand why they were so miffed about receiving a food basket as a gift. It seems perfectly useful and practical! As a side note, after reading this story and then some of the comments, the phrase "first world problems" came to mind and I can't seem to shake it. It's like fuck you and…
Maybe it was edited recently, but the article does say "Below is a promotional video for their play The Fig-Leaf Wars; please note that here (as in the photo above), the man is dressed as a vagina and the woman is dressed as a penis."
Is pickle a pet name for someone, or is it just referring to all pickles in general? Because if it's the latter, fuck yeah! Don't listen to the haterz, pickles. You guys rock my world.
Especially if you were a minority. Andy Griffith especially seems like it was in a place where it would suck to be black, brown or gay. Or asian. Or...hell, anything but white, male and straight?