
There is a logic for why Diplomatic Immunity exists, that being to ensure that diplomats are given safe passage and protection from their host countries laws (created for situations where a diplomat is living in a country with extreme/strict laws), but their native country should have revoked their Diplomatic Immunity


It is BEYOND OBVIOUS what this person means by "Hate Speech" is nothing more than speech SHE HATES. This person Kat is just too frail & emotional for the real world civil rights.

Your post is now second from the top. Prepare to be deleted.

you are not doing us a favor.

Memes are not an appropriate way to write a serious journalistic piece about a murder. At the very least, use full sentences. At the very least use your own damn words.

Edit: I do appreciate you responding to me though, considering the circumstances. So thanks.

This is one of the most self-righteous things I've seen you write. Commenters don't owe you anything because you took a few journo classes and if many people are saying that there is something wrong with the article it might be because the article is poorly written, not because they are all wrong and don't understand

It was flippant.

I really don't even know where to start with this. Do you really not see how condescending your tone is?

And what about the "I can't even" bit? I found that very flippant and disrespectful.

its facebook status journalism

I'm sorry, Officer Rodriguez, but are you trying to suggest here that killing someone because they're transgender isn't a specific enough reason? Or maybe that the reason doesn't count because it's not on your official "hate crime" cheat sheet?

It's awful. If she was trying to craft a way of stating how upset she was, she literally couldn't have conceived of anything more disrespectful. I'm becoming more and more certain that is site is disappearing up it's own arse language wise. It doesn't help the cause when the language is so exclusionary.

"In horrific news out of Fort Myers, Florida, a trans woman of color has been murdered, and her body set on fire, then dumped in a garbage bin. I just can't right now, I just can't even."

If you are genuinely cut up by this, how about showing some respect for the dead (and journalistic integrity) by using full

"I just can't. I can't even."

" I just can't right now, I just can't even."

No. He's referring to the crime/overall situation. Replace "male living as a female" with, say, "woman who adopts cats." You would never think "it" referred to the victim. "It" is clearly the act and not the person.

'I just can't right now, I can't even.'

Actually, I got the impression "it" was meant to refer to the case, not the person.

Not to come off as snippy. But why would you assume domestic violence related murders are misogyny based?