
Most people have never been camping.

In an office somewhere in Miami, Pat Riley's trembling hand moves his mouse forward, to the font drop-down, and selects "Comic Sans"

That take was so hot it burned all the way to my subcutaneous tissue.

There is little impedance to stealing a Tesla.

Slot cars are known to spin out on corners. He should have know.

Not talking about weather or climate moron. Comparing the newest expensive weather stations they promise are correct to the "corrected" values the models are all based on. The models are wrong because the adjusted values for temp are wrong.

Good thing climate computer models have been over predicting warming since the nineties.

Sorry I hate to be grumpy like that. I just don't think it's fair to put the onus only on the cyclist to protect himself from a reckless driver. It's smart to be vigilant, but to drastically alter behavior because someone else is a moron is a sad state of affairs.

In most states cyclists are supposed to take the lane when there is no bike lane or suitable shoulder for riding to the right. I'm no expert on the British rules of the road, but that is the rule here in the US.

You make a lot of assumptions in that ridiculous statement.

I could see the replica trophy fooling people. But using cardboard cutouts as defenders yesterday proved ill-advised.

Or this:

or ya know, this...

Yes. Let's tell all the bankers to give loans to people taking 2 years off, unpaid. Um, no.

So wait.. why do people who are not working qualify for a mortgage tho? k.

This seems like it's just how it works no? My bank won't give me a mortgage at this time that doesn't reflect what my household income is, the promise that I'll be making more soon doesn't matter, this is a cold hard financial calculation

Thank goodness Titz69 spoke his mind on the issue, now I know which way I should side in the debate

Does the "z" in "titz69" make it more exxtreme?

How about a little camping and fly fishing at 12,000 feet in Northern New Mexico.