
My grandparents can tell you stories about the Cultural Revolution that will curl your hair. And that whole rigamarole was as atheistic as they came.

Quoth my history prof:

Vince Wilfork: Out (Ribs)

If your job is to look good in front of an audience and you were hired to look good, all other complains a given, and as absurd as it sounds a jiggle test is perfectly acceptable. They're not there to re-program routers or come up with chemical reactions. They are there because they look good.

I believe the individual teams themselves do pay taxes, though, and they're the ones who employ the cheerleaders.

But clipboarders are easy to avoid without crossing the street. It helps to have played basketball.

She's dead because she had a mental illness and was not sufficiently treated. Her mental illness may or may not have been exacerbated by comments related to her porno video...

It's not a myth. People who come from broken homes or have underlying substance-abuse issues or mental-health problems are more likely to do sex work.

That bet is typical despicable de Blasio strategy, pitting the Habs against the Habs-nots.

On a man, I guess?

"you can have tattoos in a non-trashy way......"

or you're a closeted XYZ

"I'm just bitter about XYZ because girls don't like me." This will be my new screen name.

Was responding to your comment to Theojello. If he was defending the redditor, who is a sorry notsorry example, then yeah, I'm not on that train. If he was defending a friend, who (from my at times poor reading comprehension) showed poor decision making and emotional maturity, but is altering his behavior going

Fun essay, but the working on "relationship stuff" seems to address your point as to why he should continue to be friends with dudebro instead of isolating him. Then again, you've never acted inappropriately in any situation, have no ego and hate to hear yourself talk, I'd imagine.

Actually, you're wrong. Leaving aside that the relationships subreddit is a hotbed for this kind of post, "He was at least 6'4, muscles everywhere you look, arms covered in tattoos" is something that only a man would write about what he thinks a woman's ideal of a hot guy is. The fixation on height, the sleeve of


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Wayne Fonts wearing pajamas on the 50-yard line. Barry taking 3 steps to the left, 4 to the right, and 5 back for every step forward. I've seen Scott Mitchell throw ducks under heavy pressure. All these memories will be lost in time, like tears in the rain. And good