
Things ended badly for those people because they suck AND only people that suck choose to feature their life in a reality show. You have to suck first to want to do a reality show. Things will end badly here because Michael Sam probably sucks, which is why he wants to do a reality show. It's possible that he's just

This is absolutely disgusting. I've gone a long time pretending this shit didn't exist, and that was perfectly fine until it started getting thrown in my fucking face. This has gone too far. Now I'm going to have to explain to my children that OWN is an actual TV network.

That's quite true, though this is a rather loaded statement that implies that they're wrong to do so (if I'm fabricating the implication, my apologies).

If you think about it, beer goggles are really more like INNER BEAUTY GOGGLES.

I can't believe Nasri isn't going to be representing France, especially considering how good he is at letting others fight battles for him.

These articles are so annoying. You're 22 years old and just graduated from college. ALL jobs for which you are qualified are gonna suck. Heck, at my first real "adult" job I worked insane hours, was taken advantage of by my supervisors on a regular basis, after which they blamed me for all their mistakes and took

I don't feel bad for not feeling bad for her. She probably earns five times as much as I do for a job that isn't as demanding as her "woe is me" article makes it out to be. She obviously loves the attention she gets from being surrounded by stars, and simply hates that she isn't one of them.

I feel bad that I don't feel bad for this friend-for-hire at all. You have a job that sucks. If you keep that job, there's something that you're getting out of it, otherwise you'd quit. Change or deal. Don't whine.

He and Jamie Moyer played AA ball together.



The Jaguars' request was denied, as Hard Knocks is for NFL teams only.

Known as CarlsJrRezvani in most of the Western US.

feminism, right?

I hate Phil Mushnick but he is right in this instance.

Thanks for bringing your strawman to the circle jerk.

As a lifelong Chicagoan who just visited his brother in Los Angeles, I'd have to advise against this. Ok sure, they're surrounded by natural beauty, incredible women, perfect weather, friendly neighbors, functioning roads. But they don't have the BLUE COLLAR GRIT that makes... aw fuck it, I'm moving too.

Some of us said this the night that it happened and got yelled at. Seriously, too many people on this site are way too quick to take things at face value without any thought whatsoever about waiting to find out more facts or let things play out.