Canada is like Oregon. They've never created an original idea worth a damn but they spend all their energy patting themselves on the back for how unique they are.
On the one hand, yes we lost that war and had our capital sacked and burned.
On the other hand we don't put the queen on our money and ask her permission to form a government.
Beer. Your beer sucks. (Except for Unibroue but only the moderately manly Quebecois can handle Maudite occasionally). Don't get me started on your whiskey. There isn't a single decent Canadian whiskey and you fuckers had years during the Prohibition to get it right.
"Gawker calls me out on my bullshit, therefore I don't like Gawker and please don't talk about it around me." Because Lena Dunham is a toddler in a woman's body.
Agua-vated assault is just a mist-demeanor.
Lena Dunham, eh?
I'm skeptical of anyone who gets into porn.
There's definitely a fallacy afloat in this article. The bike didn't turn the woman into a raging pretentious asshole, the self-entitled piece of societal waste just happened to be riding a bike at the time.
If you want to be the dickhead, perpetually angry cyclist stereotype
By saying "have a great day," he's ending the conversation there. He doesn't want to continue it and he doesn't want this woman continuing it. He's at work representing a company. He can't tell the woman to fuck off or go away. He's just trying to get her to leave in as polite a manner as he can.
or, on the other hand as both a car enthusiast and avid cyclist I learned that there are tards in cars and tards on bikes but that doesn't mean that all drivers or all cyclists are tards. Take the good with the bad, try and be safe and enjoy the ride.
Bodily harm? Really?
Right?!? I'm almost 33 years old, been playing this game since I was a kid, and NEVER knew that. Always hit the vine to get there. My entire childhood was a lie...
wtf! You can enter a pipe to get the warpzone in 4-2?!