
No, no. You've got it all wrong. Walmart does not create jobs. A free market does not create jobs or raise the standard of living for the common man. The government does that for you... stop working so hard and let them take care of you! What we need to do is take that $250 billion that Walmart is investing in US

I work for one of the companies that is benefitting from Walmart's "Buy American" push. While Walmart isn't the only customer who is keeping our plant open, it darn sure helps.

Better shut down the plant then.

It is because Scarlett Johansson chose to be a public figure. Rando olympic volunteer did not.

You're a sexual predator.

Forget it, Jake. It's Lindytown.

All my family died, I cannot bring them back.

Really impressed how a sort of interesting article about loneliness managed to inspire yet another rant about fatphobia.

Sorry, but interview subjects don't get to find facts about themselves offensive and request that a show change them.

She was born male and live as a male for the first 18 years of life. This is not offensive or complimentary. It is simply a fact. And if she has a problem with this fact, then she has a problem with

Aaron - is this you when you read the comment?

It isn't the first time she's done this, either. Mock apparently has a bad habit of giving interviews, behaving like everything's fine, and then complaining to everyone else in the world later. See: Marie Claire.

I'm on Piers Morgan's side. Unless these trans activists have read (in detail) about the preferred terminology of every single group that makes up .002% of American society, then they should show a bit of understanding. He gave her a space to talk and then she turned her entire twitter base against him because he

The protesters are all wearing leggings as pants. Are we sure these aren't the Fashion Cossacks?

Pussy, whipped

I'm not a Christian Scientist, but I am a former journalist. The Christian Science Monitor is pretty well-respected in secular circles, especially for its coverage of religion issues. For example, one of its reporters won a Pulitzer for covering the Srebrenica massacre.

Most of the time the women are holding the cards to finalize the purchase or not. Sales staff ignore them at their peril.

I had a short stint in east coast minor league wrestling. I went by the name of Shasta Mike and my special move was the Cankle Yank. I met a lot of big names on their way up. I even got to see their dicks.

Hi! Terry Crews here, and I'd love to respond to this article. For years I've expressed my love for my minivan and I've owned one since 2003. They even added this fact to my character Terry Jeffords in Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
What most people don't know — and it would be safe to assume the writers of this article didn't,

Well it was about time the American committee acted like the rest of the world and picked based on overall performance and not some "final contest". We are one of the few countries that does selection like this for some sports, so while one can argue its unfair to nagusu, its also been unfair to everyone prior who