
I am entirely OK with this comment section becoming a US-Canada hockey trollfest.

Spoken like a true FWB.

So he's a bad player because you have crappy opinions on a lot of things? Got it.

Anyone who says they wouldn't want Noah on their team is either lying or doesn't understand basketball. He's the exact type of guy you need to put around a superstar or two to win rings. Doesn't care about highlights or stats, just wants to win and will work hard on every possession, at both ends, to do it. It's a


FORCING SOMEONE TO EDUCATE HER. Wow. Yeah, you're a bit much.

Actually after some quick Googling:

murder rate in U.S.A. 2013; assume it was the same from 2008-2012:
4.7murders/100,000 people / year(Wikipedia)
times 4 years = 18.8 murders/100 000 people
times # of 100,000's of people in U.S.A ~ 3100 = 58,280 murders
69 trans murders /

This is very true.

The idea that trans people are getting axe-murdered left and right is completely hyperbolic. In 2012 in the US, there were 25 "anti-LGBTQ" homicides. Most anti-LGBTQ violence is aimed at gay men; trans people represent single-digit percentages even amongst just LGBTQ victims.

I've heard trans people say that the body they see isn't the body they envision in their minds. I can't think of any way to put that that doesn't make it a mental issue. It's not necessary a mental disorder, which I think is what you were worried I was saying, but it does involve the person's mental processes.

Sounds like she's upset that this interviewer didn't double check which language she would find appropriately sensitive...? Give me a break.

Piers Morgan asked questions that could have been more delicate. The solution to this "controversy" is another conversation, not engaging the internet mob to demand some half assed apology or GLAAD re-education.

Good for him. So exhausted by the viciousness of trans activism as an organized body - tumblr made incarnate in a wave of screeching incoherent voices. This is the new normal if every one of their cultural sensitivities isn't catered: create a wave of abuse and sneering, mean-spirited calls for groveling apologies.

There is no way to know if she's healthy — only she knows that.

I tried to watch that video, but it was blocked.

So are you saying the Redskins "took back" their original statement?

Completely agree. Identifying a transgender at age 2, then grooming it as the opposite sex through early childhood etc is an enormous accomplishment for the parents. I wonder how long it will take until an even more progressive group of parents identify their child as a transgender at age 1 or earlier? We live in

It may seem like a small victory in the middle of nowhere, but.. in truth, this is one of the biggest human developments of all time.

I don't think this is a math problem. The 1% is not a specific quantum of improvement, it is a placeholder for the small incremental changes that add up over time. Your pedantry seems to have interfered with your understanding.

I'm not a "young dude", sorry. And I don't think it's OK or not OK, it just is. There is a certain reality (audiences prefer to see sexy young actresses) and a certain mechanism (movies with sexy young actresses make more money). Everything follows from this. It isn't wrong or right, it just is. If you want to change