Holy torque steer. And sketchy brakes, and they were like that from the factory. We had one (an actual X-11!) when it was new and it was a fuckin deathtrap then.
Holy torque steer. And sketchy brakes, and they were like that from the factory. We had one (an actual X-11!) when it was new and it was a fuckin deathtrap then.
Just a quick note: In California we call them “undocumented immigrants.” They’ve actually helped build our economy to one of the biggest in the world. Some other colloquialisms you might not be used to: “Cement Pond” is called a “swimming pool” or just “pool” for short. We typically refer to “Barrack Hussein Obama”…
As the owner of a 635csi, I have to vote Crack Pipe on this one. I know how much these things cost to fix and make good, and by far the most expensive are the trim bits, some of which are almost unobtainable by now. Too much needs to be done to this car to make it worthy again. You can find better ones for just a bit…
30+ year old BMW with a more than questionable provenance?
You don’t buy an ELR expecting the utility of a Toyota Sienna minivan.
You buy an ELR because it is (again), one of the nicest rides available with a CA HOV exemption, and your time is worth too much to sit in traffic, and you can afford the Cadillac interior.
$45k. Oh really? It’s $34k. Then take the federal tax credit and you’re at $26k. It’s annoying with people spew fiction as fact.
Love dealer salespeople that don't bother to even read the damn brochure.
Flava FLAV!
That's Audi.
Huh, I wonder if this is a possible preview of the next generation Jeep Wrangler 4-door? I don't think the grille, lights, or interior will stay of course, but I more mean the general layout, door shape, roof design, and tailgate. It will be interesting if the new Wrangler 4-door goes a little bit more civilized…
If by "death trap" you mean ADVENTURE!
Doug, would it be safe to have a giant asterisk on this article concerning California? As in it will likely be an additional 7 layers of hell to wade through?
I'm going to do that with an Aston Martin.
Is it possible to buy the CarMax warranty as an extended warranty, even if you buy a car that isn't from them?
I will never own anything other than a Range Rover and a Volvo. The "and" is very important...