
I demand this be redone, with Mr. Tamborine Man dressed as Tuxedo Mask.

Disney has sucked at dads since Bambi, where Dad literally was a faraway silhouette on a rock and everybody thought that was cool, even after Bambi's mom was gunned down and his home set on fire. And then Bambi also grows up to be a distant dad to his own offspring. AWESOME PRECEDENT SET, MR. DISNEY.

free wizard!

New DLC.

Without those Rangers in our way, this world is ours for the taking!

Even completing the objective for each achievement in this game will get you nothing in real life. If he was going to play the game anyway, why not let him do something different and entertaining if only to him?

I'm proud to live in a "blue" state, though it's red in elections :(

And here we have a summary of gender equality in the world today - why try to fix the broken system when it's always been male centric to begin with? Ahh these ladies are too busy being barefoot and pregnant to game anyway, lulz

Don't buy games you otherwise would have not. If you waited this long to get a game you probably aren't going to play it.

"1) Your backlog is already huge."

To EA's credit, they need to pull a balancing act between keeping their consumer's happy, and keeping their stockholders happy. And let's face it, the interests of those two groups can often times be mutually exclusive.

I'll probably get one in another 2 years time when there are lots more games and my son is 6 years old!

Vote: Swiftkey

So Dissidia?

Fake? If new games all had female protagonists and no males, you bet there'd be an outrage.