There’s a saying, “To be African American is to be African without history and American without privilege.”
It might be worth adding a note about how you can boost your power even further once you hit 280 buy purchasing legendary mods. Since glimmer drops faster than ever before, you should buy random mods all the way up to 280, then when you’re 280, you can buy legendaries based on the rare mods you have. You can…
Let’s say you’re running late for a morning doctor’s appt w/the Feminist Octopus. Let’s say you each have a plate of pancakes and bacon and you’re joking around and oops, you have to leave RIGHT NOW or you’ll be late and have to pay a fee or reschedule. You’re going to just drop those plates in the sink without even…
The problem is that pre-rinsing dishes is inefficient, redundant, and fucking stupid. The only notable different between pre-rinsing a dish and just washing it is that with the pre-rinse no soap is used.
If you’re doing it right, washing the dishes should take longer than prerinsing. Pre-rinsing is a step even when you’re regular washing the dishes too. At least at my house (and why I highly prefer disposable plates when I’m not eating at my house.)
You don’t need to calculate down to the last decimal. You just need to know two things. That AP scores are weighted or have been weighted in the past for valedictorians, and that the other girl didn’t take as many AP courses as your daughter. If its a small town, any given AP class will likely only have one section.…
Its short for Pelessaria B’Sayle.
It’s a nickname. Her full name is Pelessaria B’Sayle.
No one ever, ever said that individual, highly inexperienced women and minorities should be hired over a white man who has actual experience. Focusing on a strawman scenario doesn’t benefit anyone.
Literally no one is suggesting what you’re saying. But it’s very telling that you assume that women and blacks aren’t as good as their male white counter parts.
James Buchanan? Whose Presidency preceeded the Civil War?
Am I the only one who gets this?
Once, the whole enemy team just... left. Except for one poor guy that couldn’t bear not finishing the match. Nobody shot him. He knew that he couldn’t win. I couldn’t bear to see him alone and had him group up with me after the match. He wasn’t that good, but I stuck with him, at the very least.
Point of interest from here:
This. Healers don’t get enough recognition. Those 15 kills Windowmaker got? Would have been three if not for Mercy. The point held for 3 minutes by a single Soldier 76? Wouldn't have done it without Lucio. Everybody, respect your medic.