
I need my nuts, so just shoot it through my knee.

Good for you. (Seriously). I had this conversation with more than a few guys in my life - sometimes initiated by me, sometimes by them. I maintained friendships with all of them, even after they rejected me or I rejected them. (I am not saying I am still friends with them now, but that is mostly because the

At least five years from now when she's a struggling single mother she can't say that nobody warned her.

Also, whole milk tastes better. Also#2, skim milk is white water.

ALL of my favorite athletes are black

Thank Dave Chappelle for clarifying

It's victim blaming. That's not a card we pull out, but an actual thing that happens.

Yes, let us all blame the victim for "allowing" this bastard to behave in an appalling fashion. I'm sorry that the recipient did not have the wherewithal to prevent him from making a complete ass of himself. His actions, and his choices. Not her fault.

You clearly do not have children nor spend very much time around them.

For kicking a seat: yes. For other things: no. Kids really can't help some things and parents CANNOT control it. Doesn't mean they shouldn't TRY to minimize discomfort for others (both to be polite to fellow adults and to teach the kid how to behave in society), but, ya know, nitpicking here...

I am BEGGING you to read. Please. There is no reason to be ignorant about a figure like Nelson Mandela, who has written so much, spoken so much. His goals were meant in part BECAUSE of the acts of violence that his group both threatened and actually committed. And I love how people want to always, always talk

What you said is laughable, because anybody who knows anything about Mandela would know that he was not against violence. Also, while you're putting "non-violent" influences on a pedestal... didja know Gandhi was a child molestor?

I'm the idiot but you used shitty examples to further your stupid ass point? Oh, okay. I guess. Don't be upset because you're not informed. Learn something. Read. Because if you did, you would know that nonviolence was a technique of resistance, not a way of living in general. People had to learn that in the same

While that's technically true, "girl who only pretends to like videogames to get boys' attention" (aka Fake Geek Girl) is an incredibly common stereotype that is constantly used to harass and belittle female gamers. It's really, really, really, REALLY bad. I've been playing videogames for 25 years and I still get


The problem inherent in rape is that it involves an act that can be consensual (as opposed to say, robbery). As a result, if there is DNA and no physical trauma, it's very difficult to convict someone, beyond a reasonable doubt, for rape. He is going to deny it was rape, say it was consensual and with only two

As someone pointed out, the "innocent till proven guilty" principle is really more of a legal concept than anything. Kinda just like "freedom of speech" is more applicable to the government's relationship with it's citizens and not so much to how private organizations may treat their members.

I just want police to investigate reports of rape with vigor and seriousness. I read an article somewhere recently authored by a woman who was raped at the age of 12 with her sister during a home invasion while the girls were doing homework. A heinous crime, right? Well, as an adult, she went and examined police

Agree with all of this for pre-trial stuff. In trials, they should allow expert testimony about typical victim behavior (no, trauma survivors do not remember things in a linear fashion; yes, it's typical to wait days before reporting to law enforcement); stronger rape shield laws- let's not bring up what someone was

It needs to be taken more seriously by law enforcement. Remember that story last year, about the 10,000 untested rape kits in Detroit? That kind of thing needs to be publicized and addressed (good on Kym Worthy for getting it done.) I doubt people go to the police after getting mugged and get told that "It's really a