
How about not telling the victims they shouldn't report. Processing the rape kit quickly. Getting DNA from the accused. Promptly interview witnesses. You know, do actual police work. Nobody is suggesting suspects should be arrested before the police gather evidence. We're just saying that the police should

I think feminist arenas tend to be "guilty until proven innocent" because it's populated by people who know the statistics on rapes reported vs. false rape accusations (very, very few are false accusations), rapes perpetrated, rapes prosecuted, and rapists convicted and therefore opinions are based on statistical

Agreed on both. Rape cases do need to be taken extremely seriously, and it does look like the Police Department was negligent (at best) in handling the case.

Good for her! Rape cases need to be taken seriously and this is an important mechanism we have for making the police pay attention.

Don't forget ShlnX2

As someone who does both ("runs" servers at enterprise level and codes at various levels) I think I disagree that it's "easier" to run servers. It's easier to install Ubuntu server edition than to learn to write a C program, it's true, but that's not "running" a server. For each level of coding there is a

This is something I learned from Tumblr really recently. It was hard for me at first — I'm used to the idea anybody can comment on anything online — but now I get it. Sometimes people in a minority/marginalized group need to talk amongst themselves, and it's really not cool for me to butt in or tell them they aren't

Yeah, I have to constantly suppress my "white opinions" in conversations about race. Like I literally bite my tongue, and I go "SHUT UP THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOU, SHUT UP THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOU" and it takes a lot of effort.

I'm not a perfect ally by any stretch of the imagination - and I still have to be called out on bullshit that I say and do without even realizing it (that's the fun of institutionalized sexism/racism/etc - that shit goes deep and even looking for it you can miss how what you are doing or saying is shitty). It's taken

I think a lot of women will take offense to the idea that you have to stand up for them - but it is absolutely true. No marginalized group can become un-marginalized unless they have allies in a place of privilege.

This is why I don't shut up about Feminism/Sexism/Racism in online discussions. I can use my white maleness to shut up the assholes who's favorite form of discourse is LOLRAPEMURDER. I can also use the fact that my voice is often taken more seriously then those people who are actually targetted by these shitbags to

I wouldn't think so and I don't think PS4 games are included. You'd still want the actual hardware if you're on an ISP that limits data usage or if your speed can't handle the streaming. Plus if your internet goes down then so does your game library.

Today's Google doodle honors Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960), folklorist, anthropologist, playwright, and author of several works, most notably Their Eyes Were Watching God. A prominent figure in the Harlem Renaissance and a Guggenheim Fellow, she was a literary and academic powerhouse, documenting a diversity of

Will no one face the REAL issue here?!? Voldemort has taken over MI6!

I have a ten year old, and we love tv, too. But guess what? Her viewing is extremely limited and restricted. There is no tv in her room, because that shit isn't necessary. When she watches tv it is in the kitchen or the living room, where we can easily see what she's watching. Chances are, if it isn't on Nickelodeon

First of all, don't go looking for trouble. Just like you're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to my rebuttle. Yes, even if I call it "going off." I chose not to, before. Now I will.

Second of all, a lot of parents (you're not the only one) seem to think that the World revolves around them and their children.