
Here is the problem for hardcore players of this type of game. You eventually have nothing to gain and everything is bad to you. There are still a handful of weapons that I want that I'll do the nightfall and raids for so I still play a few hours to try to get those. Outside of that I'm okay.

Saw Best Buy Gamers Club Unlocked for 30 bucks in store today. Checked online and didn't see the same deal. If that's your thing you may want to check your local store

Born and raised in AL. Lived here all but 3 years of my life. People are losing their shit here and I just shake my head. It's sad really. I've heard all of the complaints about this, mostly bible based, which I get. The one that probably bothers me the most is the cry of activist judges goign against the will of the

I got one from my 3rd Nightfall last week. Let's just say that getting that and then Xur selling Ice Breaker made me an uber happy fellow.

umm show down there champ. That last statement needs to be taken back and we have Florida

This is giving me the opportunity to play games that got bumped when the Destiny DLC released. I could probably push to finish the Last of Us and AC Unity if things stay down long enough. I hope they don't though

There is no way I can hate the cryptarch. The legendary engrams I get are always useful. And enough blue ones turn into Strange Coins and Motes of Light. The real love comes from the Exotic helm engrams. I've bought 4 total and got 2 helms for my Hunter main that I wanted. I have one for my Warlock and have the new

Now can they do FFXII...Please!?

While skimming the Bungie forums this morning I thought that I saw that not only was it behind the dlc wall but also behind the weekly Xur wall. Can some confirm this? I don't want to put something out there and is not true. I would check but work and junk.

I was going to say just this. I know it was meant to be funny but being that token is not fun for the person who is there to meet some quota.

I tried to make a black character but he looks like a very tan white guy. Seeing all these makes we want to redo my character lol

In a way you still have that though. They just took the main story away from Desmond's bloodline. Abstergo/Templars has always been the "villian". You're still trying to stop them. You actually have less First Civ stuff than in previous games.

The problem with his argument is that he places responsibility on the offendee to cause a change in the offender. It's basic level victim blaming. Black people didn't start saying the term to each other so its absurd to think that if we stopped saying other would as well.

In the US there is very little speech that is deemed "illegal". You can't incite a riot I believe, as well as things like shouting fire in a building. I'm not sure of the consequences but they are heavily frowned upon at least. They definitely can't be sued. This is all because that pesky Freedom of Speech. But like

Precisely! It's a clear case of "because I say you can't". The sad part is that SO MANY white people do not get it when it comes to this issue. Language is dependent on context. You can't remove context from conversations. Especially ones of this nature.

Surprised by the no. I'm about 2 hours in so I don't have much to say so far. I'm pretty sure I'llenjoy it like I have the other AC titles.

Definitely used to be Chrono Trigger and FFVII. Then WoW happened. Now a days if I'm undecided I just fire up Resogun if the PS4 is available.

Watch Dogs needs to focus on things. Im all for side quests but it literally had too many things to do for me. Im a sucker for the side quests in AC because they are a break but still focus on the core and the number seems just right. Watch Dogs had way too much to do. It was hard for me to focus in the main story

Never expect QA to find everything. It's possible they didn't experience it on their end. You can't test every scenario

This happened to me once after updating. I haven't had any issues since.