
I love you so much for this. I work in SW development and understood what was going on but of course the uninformed masses come out with their torches and pitch forks. Where if they had to d/l 30 GB worth of content they'd be equally as pissed.

I absolutely loved this episode. The Mrs and I laughed through the entire episode because we've lived these situations first hand. We have an 18 month old and we're trying to teach her to behave and she is at that phase where she thinks everything is a game so she'll occasionally swat at things playfully to her. We've

I'll probably stick to my guns and get one around the Christmas frenzy.

I replayed that mission at least 5 times. I was siding with the Geth since the Quarians had fired on me while I was in that ship. I hated seeing Tali kill herself.

PS4 - 400

Except it's not a demo. It's a stripped down version of the game with 10 or so cars and tracks. You can do everything you can in the full version including trophies. You just have fewer cars/tracks to play.

Wow...just wow.

This should be goooooood...and shameful once people their own totals.

Check your vanguard rep, along with others. You get a package every level after 3. I got a legendary scout rifle from my vanguard for hitting level 3.

Dodai, thanks for all of your contributions. I always looked forward to your perspective as a woman of color. Good luck with your future endeavors.

11 tracks, 10 cars, you can get the platinum trophy with it. I'm slightly interested in a racer now so if I like it I'll probably buy the full game.

Talked myself out of Spelunky twice. Glad I have another chance at it. Really interested in Driveclub.

Hard to explain? This isn't Kingdom Hearts.

lol this is golden!

From what I've played, Destiny and Infamous have the best Remote Play controls on PS4. Honorable mention to Child of Light

The fascination with this farming location is amazing to me and makes little sense to me. Is it because FPS players aren't really accustomed to this type of game play mechanic?

I'd love to see how they cover the Civil Rights Movement and that pesky thing called the trans-Atlantic slave trade. I mean, those look at Africa now. Those people were saved from that present. I mean German Shepherds and firehouses were just ways to cool people down when the 16 Street Baptist Church was bombed. Oh,

This does and doesn't make sense to me. I can see using the other characters for materials and what not but only the highest character he has would really have access to the content that gives the rarest upgrade materials.

Lol i didn't even think about that. Yeah he's played more than most folks have worked in these 2 weeks.

Correct. Now there is a fair amount of content that can be done solo but to really get your gear up you will need to go to the multiplayer aspects