
Nope. Actually the complete opposite. Making sure that rape accusations are handled quickly and thoroughly.

Okay so going with the statistics and the likelihood that the crime did occur, how can we achieve more convictions?

I'm not more concerned honestly and I admit that I haven't looked at the stats in depth. I'm looking for way to better handle prosecutions, defenses, the whole shebang.

This seems like as good a place as any to do this so here goes.

Best buy has injustice for ps4 going for 49.99. Looks like all platforms are on sale though.

If you're going to use Butters at least use "Oh hamburgers".

When did there become a universal bedtime for kids? So because YOU aren't ready for that conversation then everyone else must be effected by it? Kids ask questions, deal with it.

So I'm looking to get a fence built for my home. Is there a best time to do this?

Really glad to see Muramasa Rebirth there. Would vote for Tales of Xillia maybe. Tough choices here.

That is too cool!

Bluetooth gloves?

Yes yes and YES!

Was their a banjo playing in the background when he made these remarks? Please tell me there was a banjo playing in the background.

I'm thinking it will since i saw deal yesterday

Best Buy has Man of Steel BR/DVD/digital on sale for 9.99. Amazon does too.

PS4. Really happy with my decision.

Every week there has been a deal on Tearaway. I just can't bring myself to purchase it for since reason. I really want to though.

I am one of the few that have liked the FFXIII series. In the second game I had little trouble keeping my monsters up. I would typically have a few that I use and strictly level those. Once you get to needing the higher materials then you can waste materials to level others.

I wish. My wife loves gift giving occasions and after one event of "That's not a gift" while we were dating and almost walking out on her for the rest of the weekend I am sure to get a gift of sorts even when we agree we won't get gifts. She's burned me twice and I'm not falling for it again.