
Nope. We can stay inside and have quality time and its warmer inside.

For small kids it doesn't have to be a controller for the same system. Literally anything will do.

Typically if someone does this the audience knows the type of people they are so they shouldn't be too surprised.

You didn't have to get rid of the console that played those games you know.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, chapter 3 of Dragon Age 2 gets me every time. Having your mom come up missing and then seeing her all Frankensteined up by that crazy blood mage...

In somewhat related news, Jim DeBerry seems to bee in some sort of Twitter feud with an attorney lol.

Redeemed on my PS4 about an hour ago with no problems. Store >Redeem Codes

You are doing it wrong. I had a 16GB card before I got my current 32GB cheap. The 16 is now solely for classics

Im quite happy with my PS3,PS4, and Vita. Anything that comes Sony's way I'll be there waiting for it.

Please let BC go. It'll easily add 200 bucks to your console of choice. Also, how far do we go? The original PS3 was BC with PS2 and PS1, should the PS4 just be BC with current PS3s or the original PS3s?

I think Best Buy has them for around 170 currently.

As someone who hated boats in AC3, you can tell him that the boats in AC4 are drastically improved. It's actually fun to me and optional in enough cases.

Best Buy currently had Tearaway for 29.99

I really wanted this game to be good. I have 2k14 as my first basketball sim in easily over a decade plus. I watched the ign review and they gave it like a 4. That is the lowest score one seen in I don't remember how long.

I highly doubt it'll hit PS+ anytime soon. Of course once you buy it after waiting some months it'll happen the next month.

My penis:mouth ratio was completely reversed...

Excellent point. My Walmart matched the Target b2g1 deal. Both targets had about 8 PS4 games left total by Friday. Walmart had all the remaining games I was interested in available.

Weren't there reports that Lego marvel got pushed back on the One?

From what I can tell it's either under notifications >downloads or under library. Either option is not as clear as the download list from the ps3.

You know what, i remember that now!