
It's been said before but...
Remote play was around before the Wii U. It haa had various levels of actually working well but its been around.

AC4 is the only definite. I'm going to hit target 2nd thing in the morning. Hope to get Shadowfall, Knack, and NBA 2K14.

The Vita is fine

Im certain I'll be fine for a while. I'll have 1-4 games on Friday. That will hold me for a while on top of my back log. Infamous will be 1st quarter. Watchdogs 2nd quarter. There will probably indie titles in there as well.

Stephen, or anyone really, does the PS4 remember SSIDs? I have satellite Internet and occasionally it'll be ridiculously slow so I'll switch to my hotspot or my phone. I hate going through the complete setup every time.

As a person that doesn't really play FPS I'm getting this. The videos I've seen make it look really fun and the fact that you can approach things from different tactical perspectives. Stealthy, guns blazing, and in between are all options.

On top of that those same Southerners, when presented with the fact that the candidate consistently votes against their best interest, they simply say they continue to vote for that type of candidate because "it may change".

Your situation is exactly a typical scenario and my current one. If for whatever reason you want/have to give up the TV you can continue playing.

Most should be playable. If you can't find the game in the PSN via the Vita just d/l to your ps3 and load it that way. The ones in the Vita store have just been formally certified but all should work

More short haired women for me (in theory since I'm married).

Sadly in turning into this. My Backlog just keeps growing

I went to my local store before reading this and the shelves were empty. Was hoping to pick up my copy of AC4 just because

Sweet jeebus I love you

But what about the children?

Cool beans! The boyfriend doesn't count lol. He's "required" to be there even when he wants to be there.

How often do you see non-whites at your shows?

This was my first Lego game and it is pretty dang sweet. I took a break from GTA V to play it would still be if I hadn't picked up Arkham Origins.

It was my first Tales game. I absolutely love it. I'm in my second playthrough now as i go for the Platinum

Yes...because every game has to be a system seller to everyone

Other than having an actual collection to show off, this is why I prefer physical over digital. Physical over digital for my Vita and it'll be continued on my PS4.