
Staggering was really only needed for bosses. Regular enemies were usually eat enough.

Got about half way through the video before wanting to break something. I hate the internet.

Tomb Raider worth it?

I build my PC last summer and decided to buy a majority of the parts from Amazon since I had Prime shipping. I ended up spending maybe 30 bucks more because of it. Well worth getting all my parts before a weekend so I could build Friday night.

"! She was one of the charmers who voted against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act in February — "citing concerns that the law would protect 'different groups' such as Native American women and LGBT Americans from domestic violence alongside straight, white women." Yikes."

If you are referring to All My baby mommas then that was OWN and it never actually aired.

What are you considering quality games? Between the 4 discs I have and cross buy games I have a nice backlog.

I know its 9 days away but...marry that man! He has an excellent outlook on things already. That is what you want. It sounds like you all have made it YOUR wedding and not your family's.

Remote play was present on the PSP. Not every game but present nonetheless

Be careful with the Cross Buy stuff like Sly Cooper. It's really only cross buy if you buy the PS3 game. The Vita version doesn't get you a PS3 copy. Some games do it both ways some don't.

What's the over/under that the parents didn't allow their kids to attend this prom?

Oh definitely. It's a bad situation all around.

I'm hoping this goes to trial and she gets a damn good lawyer to defend her.

Sweet jeesus may I use that image into infinity? That is beyond awesome lol

That should be the other way around. Plus FUS RO DAH is said much faster.

As someone who just purchased a home a little over a month ago the biggest thing I can suggest is to ask for what you may want. The worst that they can say is no. This was a new home and it was lacking a refrigerator, we asked for it. We wanted the builder to pay for the entire 3% of closing costs, we asked for it.

Remind me to bookmark this article the next time fellow Jezzies (sp?) consistently crucify someone for their past.

My wife had a baby almost 2 weeks ago. I had been thinking of getting her a gift once the little one came out. When she first mentioned a "push present" I was like "Huh?". While I still plan on getting her something if someone expects it it kind of makes me not want to bother with it

I don't think any single game should be looked at as a system seller. If the current and future games interest you then go for it. As much as Zelda is considered a system seller I have no interest in a nintendo system.

Do it! Without spoiling it you can save or sacrifice others you come across at your own will.