Your one example is literally the only one where you are somewhat forced to make a specific decision.
Your one example is literally the only one where you are somewhat forced to make a specific decision.
So your gripe is with console exclusives? You must not sleep well
Yes because a system that people are wanting games for should not get a good game because the system doesn't have games...
If there is anyone in the remote vicinity of this asshat please go do random things to "annoy" him because he deserves it. Like I really really would not be sad if an assault was in his future.
I just moved to a fairly new subdivision and the only thing out there is satellite. There is no way I would wish this on anyone that wants to do anything on the internet. I was expecting some latency but its absolutely horrid.
As a person that hates dog clothing and costumes 90% of the time, this is how I imagine all dogs feel when put on some outfit.
Should you be offended? Only you can answer that. Everyone won't respond the same. I can see how one would question it. I remember a similar discussion when San Andreas came out. Yet to this day it is arguably the most loved gta.
My wife and I have 2 miniature Dachsunds. Great dogs even though they can be a little head strong. They love to play but they seem to be the happiest just in a lap.
I'm going to assume this was written specifically for me. :)
I'm a friggin 30 year old and can't swallow regular sized pills to save my life. Thankfully I have rarely even needed to take anything. Even with capsules I have to get a clearance to open and put them in apple sauce or something.
Oooo let's see. ..
I too killed the Quarians. I had no sympathy after what happened but I did want to save Tali at least.
Let's inot discuss Rannoch. I replayed that mission at least 5 times trying for save Tali only to find out that I wouldn't be able to because of my ME2 choices. See I trusted TIM a little too much and gave him the Reaper ship. Everything else was fine...:(
Thanks. This was a better breakdown for me than the one with the cheeseburger analogy.
I love Emma Watson. Like everything about her that is public is great to me.
Random unimportant fact. When I put on deodarant, I always say "Down at fraggle rock" in my head and each syllable gets a swipe.
Why not let her play with the men? I say let her if she is competitive. The dark side of that though is it potentially opens the door for men that may not be as skilled to play in the NBA or even the D-League to play in the WNBA. I doubt any guy would want to but why not? When I played basketball from 5th-12th grade I…
My counter to those type of comments is generally "If you saw them on the street without knowing who they were what would you say their ethnicity was?"
I think in enough instances men do realize it. It's still a fairly recent change where men are becoming more involved with child rearing, especially with newborns and younger children. Women are somewhat raised with child rearing in mind while men aren't.
I think this kind of falls into how men and women go about things differently. I think men realize the implications but knowing what they are we realize what comes with it and go forward. How you worry about daycare, temper tantrum and lack of sleep we look at all of those as part of the "job". We know they will…