
Hey folks, guy here.

lol I actually started listening to Wiz because that song was in an article hear mentioning the sample. Still one of my favorite songs of his. He has a "sequel" to it that sample the Guardia Forest song.

So I have a youtube playlist of a few songs from Chrono Trigger and FFVII.

1. Chrono Trigger

WC3 had amazing cinematics. I'd like to throw the opening to WotLK in there too though. It exemplified everything that Arthas was and had become.

lol don't remind me of my romance selection. I initially wanted Liara but dammit she was taking too long so I went with first mate chick.

Yaaa for Skin Diamond!

Revelations is shorter than Brother hood and AC2 were by a good bit. Shouldn't have any trouble finishing it even with doing a lot of side missions.

This just keeps getting better. Love the changes they've made to combat.

He's Native American and white.

Lets just burn that section of the internet...

Monkey wrench and gauntlet thrown!

Ha! The crazy thing about our dogs is that we usually let them sleep in the same kennel but when they sleep separately mine will start barking at around 730 like clockwork. If they sleep together she doesn't make a sound.

There is a good chance I'll be getting a Vita when the Assassin's Creed game come out. Best Buy already has a bundle setup with a white Vita and the game for 249. This is the tyipe of thing that will have me jump on the portable gaming bandwagon even though I have an Android phone and tablet, gaming is not something

The only "complaint" I have is making all of these AvX tie ins. I'm not super into comics but I feel like they are too much.

I've been reading them as well and I totally wasn't expecting that to happen at all. Really looking forward to #6 now.

I so agree. I loved the moves they made with FFXII and the combat.

Wait they are considering an inFamous movie?

I started having freezes after about 80 hours or so. I'm pretty sure I was at least level 35 at that point.

I seriously hope they have a PS3 beta. Not because I want to get in but because I would like it to have as few issues as possible.