I usually have 4 tabs open in Chrome and see no slowdown when opening new tabs. I usually don't go about 8 or so.
I usually have 4 tabs open in Chrome and see no slowdown when opening new tabs. I usually don't go about 8 or so.
My wife has been working 7A-7P for about 4 years now. She's starting to hate it and I'm hoping she can switch her internal clock when the time comes.
Screw you guys! I'm happy as hell and I'm an afternoon/night person. I do find myself waking up earlier these days but I'm saying that is because of the dogs. And I tend to fall back asleep easily after about an hour or 2 if I wake up before 9 on a weekend.
Alliance got Wrath and somewhat BC. But yes, Cata was Horde heavy.
lol that's what I was thinking!
I have yet to start my NG+ but have been going through gathering Riddler stuff in my initial game. Do you know if you just get to go through the riddler hostages based on the secrets you've already found or do you have to do any of them over?
I'm thinking about hooking my PS2 up to the 2nd TV. I have a few games I didn't finish or really play from back then and may give them a spin since I don't really have the urge to play any of my PS3 games that are unfinished.
There are people that have figured out ways to say things in the other languages. Basically you type what looks like gibberish to you but ends up forming what resembles a sentence to the other person.
I would honestly like to see the results for racial slurs for other groups like white people, Jewish people, Middle Easterners, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, etc.
Wait...this is actually in game? O_O
Should have just drank the milk. Especially if it was Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
man. I got GTA IV when I got my PS3 in early 09...I've played 5 hours at most. It kills me everytime I think about it.
Wait you have no backlog? This is what the Mayans were talking about!
Sigh...Beaker as Magneto
I'm curious to know why you bring up games when they are not mentioned anywhere.
Its the shorts and the pose. Don't be fooled.
I can honestly say that I can't remember the last time I saw a black chick doing cosplay and let alone "sexy" cosplay.
"Madden 13 has an entire playbook just for New York Jets backup quarterback Tim Tebow. —Jason"
I've never been one for handheld systems although I do have an original DS that I occassionally will fire up if I'm going on a trip. I am tempted to get a Vita though for the Assassin's Creed game that is in the works.
I too fired up Skyrim last week after a few month hiatus. I still have yet to finish the main quest so I was focusing on that...until my damn game froze.