
sigh...I'm the only person in QA for my product today. I'm finding it extremely difficult to stay focused and work related.

Basch is Bloo?

Hey Microsoft...remember Rare? We do...we remember Killer Instinct. I don't even have a 360 but would love a new KI.

Umm no.

Have I missed any info on Watch Dogs from E3? I caught it after a coworker told me about it and it looks pretty cool conceptually.

I picked up Skyrim for the first time in months yesterday. I like the cinematic ranged kills they added. I was going to finish the main quest but then remembered that each quest is like an 8 part quest and I didn't have the time

Interesting...not motivating me to get it more since it'll be day one (probably midnight) for me anyway.

I'm the head of the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. I think my moral compass won't let me join the Dawnguard. that Shuma Gorath?

Great gif...but I thought it would end differently. Much more differently.

" At this point in time, can you imagine a true blockbuster game without any kind of guns or mass murder?"

You...Heart you

I'm having a surprisingly good bit of fun figuring out Riddler riddles and trophies in Arkham City. I saved the 5th hostage last night so I'm off to the last one.

This is what I'm wondering as well.

This makes me want to infinitely make fun of her.

See my response to Klamanhandle

I saw Kanye West a few years ago and he was singing Golddigger. He said "Okay white people this is the only time you'll be able to say nigga" and I died laughing.

Excellent comment.

So ghetto means that it was ghetto? Way to not answer the question.

really? WTF does ghetto mean in this statement?