
What games still give you "lives"? I already have infinite lives it seems.

Umm both? lol My initial side will probably be demon guys. I believe the Night Mother would like me to do that.

Sharkik is pretty accurate. Bugs are just wrong, and can be reproduced. Glitches aren't really bad but they just seem to randomly pop up and its extremely hard to pinpoint why. They don't have to come from bugs just its no way to put together every possible workflow when in QA.

I think I know what you are talking about and I got the same turn out. I tried to redo the mission like 3 times only to learn that the mission I did before it was key. I'll make things right on my current playthrough.

I'm one of those people that can find good in almost any game. I'm a big FF fan since 7 and have liked every one (minus XI). I try to treat each game as its own without giving it some special FF standard to live up to.

Blood mages are pretty much the black sheep of all mage-dom. Everyone pretty much fights them. I thought the final act was pretty good. I liked the climax of things.

Dangit you beat me! Teddy Ruxpin with dying batteries may be the scariest thing ever.

More useless (potential) legislation. How does one prove racism or sexism towards a fetus? Especially when being either one is generally not illegal.

I had forgotten about that. I doubt there is anything explicitly mentioning breast feeding though and if there is then we may have a very minor issue if anything.

Sigh...I have not served in the military but know several family and friends that have and I can't see any of them having an issue with this. I don't get it maybe...shrug.

Think of what you'll potentially miss out on! And what could match the joy you get from gaming? Coke? Maybe...

You're a monster of a monster.

So I played Arkham Asylum a few months before getting Arkham City and I never really got the combat down. When I played Arkham City after a few days things just clicked and I was gettign my timing down very well.

I always like when they go back to trying to focus on the economy. Yes the economy is important to damn near everyone but lets look at things shall we.

Sigh...don't remind me of my backlog

Thanks. I really just need to eat and I'll be fine. Plus I woke up like an hour and a half earlier than normal and my dog was whining so I just got up early. That's not helping things at all.

I'm hurting this morning. My wife decided I should drink on my birthday. Usually nothing major. I drink regularly and am very responsible with it. But...she kept bringing me shots lol I can't remember one of the shots I had but all but one had Jager in it and I'm feeling it.

Luke...go play this great game. is the question from a guy.

"The black guy"? Morgan Freeman...Lucius Fox