
Two things I like that Batman did with Robin.

lol I find that if I get sleepy during a "planned" gaming session I sit in some uncomfortable position or let my dogs lay on me ( 2 weenie dogs) so that I can never get fully comforatable but am able to play the game and be aware enough. I also sometimes switch to PC gaming. Folding chair isn't as nice as a sofa.

Still getting =)

I'm jealous of you.

I have nothing more to add than a simple...

Is it possible to get the RDR bundle on disc these days? I have plenty of HDD space but would prefer a physical disc if I can get it?

This is an abomination!

Animate's Log, HC ??? AF

Hmmm 3rd trimester abortions are tricky for me. I would hope it isn't a regular recurring procedure on the same patient(s). Like you said, if it could survive on its own that makes it even more tricky.

While I'm not a real Idol fan, I "watched" this season by proxy of my wife. Yes, Jessica and Joshua could sing their ass off, but guess what...other people got more votes. The problem isn't that another guitar playing white guy won or that a woman didn't win. Its a talent/popularity contest. I was pulling for the

Maybe I'm being too technical but I stand by my "DLC is free" though. You aren't paying for the DLC, you're paying for access to it. If you buy it used you may have to pay for access which is an additional cost but the DLC is free.

The DLC is always free. You can't get it unless you have the pass, that is free with new purchase or 10 bucks if used. Stop trying to go around and make it look like the DLC is paid.

Hey Tuesday is my birthday! Thanks Bioware!

I have 3 Purple Chocobos. I still need the green on I think and I'll have them all.


Okay I will admit I've never been big on the Avengers. Always knew about them but never read any of the comics (I actually d/l Avengers #1 for free the other week from Marvel) so I don't know if you're being effective in sarcasm or not concerning Nick Fury.

Wait...she's plus size?

Oh come on. Someone can be an adult and find someone funny that you don't. Finding Daniel Tosh funny doesn't make someone immature.

Seriously, as a fairly "progressive (no I don't really know what I mean by that)" guy when it comes to dating and relationships I would love to be on a panel with this type of woman to show them how impractical these things are.

AvX is the first comic I've read in easily 15 years. It has some good points but is okay at best currently. Have you read the spin off comics that are just fights?