
The best thing Zynga has going for them is the "With Friends" set of games. The bad part (for them) is that people don't want to pay for them at this point. As an Android user I'm fine with having ads that take 2 seconds to dismiss when they come up. (I'm not sure if the games are free for iOS)

So whatever happened to that game with 3 factions, Templars, Illuminati and some other group? I was kind of intrigued.

As someone that has lived in Alabama the majority of their life (Birmingham and Huntsville) I hope this doesn't go down the slippery slope its potentially heading towards.

Holy shit! I need to read up on this asap. I always expected Thrall to come back as Warchief but this will be a glorious time and almost makes me want to raid seriously.

Wait seriously? They get to kill Garrosh? I was hoping I could charge in behind Vol'jin and do it with the rest of the Horde.

I wanted to play this game...I even purchased it. Haven't touched since a week after release.

I tend to not use it on my Infiltrator. I leave it on with my Engineer.

I typically carry only one weapon anyway.

I'm pretty much addicted to the ME3 MP. It's the first MP that has me wanting to play only that instead of other games that I have. It's probably the team base of things and not a hard competition.

I don't really eat while gaming. I may grab dinner if I'm playing WoW or another PC game but food 90% of the time. I'll have a drink on the counter though but that's always.

Ahh the game overall. Needed more Dante.

He's going to have to want to change. And his mother isn't helping at all probably. She allows him to live with her and probably allows him to talk to her any kind of way.

What are those black lines coming out of their controllers?

I'm with you. I prefer dedicated devices. Only substitute I'll go for is a camera and a phone. I often forget to bring my camera but always have may camera and cameras on phones these days are pretty good so I don't mind that case.

The movie isn't really as stereotypical as you may think. Its a pretty good movie and Kevin Hart keeps the laughs coming.

The name of the book has the Act like a lady part. the movie is just "Think like a Man".

Comment of the day!

I came here to post this exact same message. You took that glory away from me.

Saw it this weekend with the Mrs. I know she had/has the book. Not sure how far in she got with it though. I went because of the cast mostly. Kevin Hart provided laughs in literally every scene he was in.

So I'm playing a silver match in ME3 MP Last night. We are going through waves pretty nicely with everyone working together when we get a hack objective on Wave 10. We were fighting Cerberus and there were multiple Phantoms, Nemisis, and Atlas coming at us from all sides. We manage to get the hack and get down to the