
Well I made the decision last night that DA:O would be the game I start and finish. I had to start over completely because I'm not sure where I was in my first save. Off to Ostagar!

Very well said!

Ditto...well I'm the husband.

By far one of my favorite storylines in ME3.

I drink soda regularly. I think I have a higer than average thirst but 8-10 liters? That is crazy!

Sweet jesus I know your pain. I rarely use my Quarian but still its so frustrating.

So how does everyone determine to replay a game?

I'm behind this season. I loved the first season though. I need to catch up on demand this weekend.

Sex object aside, she's still an amazing character in the games.

Didn't watch the show often but Nigel was always professional to me. Couldn't stand "Miss J". Mr J was usually okay to me.

"Dragon shouts are a different story. You can say their English translations without a problem, but to use them in Dragon-speak, you have to hold down a button while speaking. "

I used to frequent a Hooters for both the food and the women. Then I moved. The new hooters was almost as good lady wise maybe a little better food wise. Now...its awful ladywise.


We are in the same boat. lol

I've thought about doing that several times.

" Via an online survey, the study attempted to identify whether or not participants "viewed the world as a threatening place" and also asked participants to submit saliva samples"

lol the bad part is I've gotten the itch to play something that I haven't finished and I keep forgetting about them. I have DA:O, Uncharted 3 (still in plastic), and a few other games. I just need to continue my GoW1 game and go from there.

I've owned every one of these games...haven't finished a single one. Haven't even played GoW3 after owning it for over a year.

I'm somewhat like that. I really enjoyed Brink.

As someone that can generally find some good in almost anything I play I have to say The Force Unleashed 2. The combat was fun but that was about it...and that got old really fast.